guassian said:
Can that will give the pixels values in the matrix form?
Can what give values in the matrix form?
I just want to relate the situation with the imread command
of the maltab. If you use this syntax in matlab
This yields a matrix a having the dimension of the image
with the matrix element to be pixel value.
There certainly is a way to achieve such functionality (otherwise it
wouldn't be available in Matlab). If you're looking for ready made code
to do that for you, you're in the wrong place (e.g., try
comp.sources.wanted). If you're looking for hints how to decode JPEG
encoded images, you've got the wrong address again (you could try
comp.programming, or better yet a group dealing in graphics formats).
If, however, you give it a go first, and encounter problems that you
believe are C-specific (as in ISO Standard C), come back here, post a
minimal compilable example and a good description of your problem, and
soon enough someone will come along to help.