How can install Tk8.5 to Ruby1.8.6


Preecha Tu

I am a newbie for Ruby, I d/l one-click of Ruby1.8.6 and install ,then
it well used, I have learn ruby with GUI pratice , and found that TK8.5
is available ,but after installation, I try to simple run code with RDE
editor, it shown error as

----- code -----------------
require "tk"
root ={title "Test root"}

I got error message shown " This application has failed to star
because tk84.dll was not found"

I try copied "tk85.dll" from "c:\Tcl" directory "c:\ruby186_25\lib"
and attemp to fix it by several method , but there's nothing result , Do
any body ever found problem like this ? , please help me for suggestion.

Hidetoshi NAGAI

From: Preecha Tu <[email protected]>
Subject: How can install Tk8.5 to Ruby1.8.6
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 19:12:12 +0900
Message-ID: said:
I am a newbie for Ruby, I d/l one-click of Ruby1.8.6 and install ,then (snip)
I got error message shown " This application has failed to star
because tk84.dll was not found"

I try copied "tk85.dll" from "c:\Tcl" directory "c:\ruby186_25\lib"
and attemp to fix it by several method , but there's nothing result , Do
any body ever found problem like this ? , please help me for suggestion.

Probably, tcltklib on one-click-ruby is compiled for Tcl/Tk8.4 only.
You must make (ext/tk/tcltklib.c) with Tcl/Tk8.5.
Or, use --enable-tcltkstubs option and make with Tcl/Tk8.4.
It may work with any of Tcl/Tk8.4 or 8.5.
Please read "ext/tk/README.tcltklib" about configure options.

Hidetoshi NAGAI

From: Hidetoshi NAGAI <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: How can install Tk8.5 to Ruby1.8.6
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 00:32:47 +0900
Message-ID: said:
Probably, tcltklib on one-click-ruby is compiled for Tcl/Tk8.4 only.
You must make (ext/tk/tcltklib.c) with Tcl/Tk8.5.
Or, use --enable-tcltkstubs option and make with Tcl/Tk8.4.
It may work with any of Tcl/Tk8.4 or 8.5.
Please read "ext/tk/README.tcltklib" about configure options.

I recommend to try Ruby 1.8.7 (or ruby_1_8 on SVN),
or replace "ext/tk" directory to the one of Ruby 1.8.7.
It has many changes to support Tcl/Tk8.5.

Luis Lavena

I am a newbie for Ruby, I d/l one-click of Ruby1.8.6 and install ,then
it well used, I have learn ruby with GUI pratice , and found that TK8.5
is available ,but after installation, I try to simple run code with RDE
editor, it shown error as

----- code -----------------
require "tk"
root ={title "Test root"}

I got error message shown " This application has failed to star
because tk84.dll was not found"

I try copied "tk85.dll" from "c:\Tcl" directory "c:\ruby186_25\lib"
and attemp to fix it by several method , but there's nothing result , Do
any body ever found problem like this ? , please help me for suggestion.

First: during installation of One-Click installer it suggest you
install ActiveTcl *8.4* for tk to work with One-Click.

At least, that was the list time I build the installer.

Not 8.5, not 8.3... 8.4.

Second, you need to put the DLL in a directory of PATH, being lib/ not
one of these. I suggest you move the tk84.dll (from ActiveTcl 8.4) to
ruby/bin instead.


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