Mike Kamermans
I have an XML document that, in order to save b/w for both server and
users, uses a few emtpy tags a la "<add/>" and "<edit/>" in the source,
which [should] get javascript replaced once the document is done loading
into their full form (for <add/>, this would be something like <img
src="add.gif" border="0" onClick="javascript:handleEvent(this,'add')">).
In order to do this I figured the documented needed to use a few html
tags as well (mainly, it needed head, title, script and body), but I'm
not quite certain how to make this work. I've changed my dtd to read:
<!element html (head, body)>
<!element head (title, script)>
<!element title (#PCDATA*)>
<!element script (#PCDATA*)>
<!attlist script language CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!attlist script version CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!element body (list)>
where the
users, uses a few emtpy tags a la "<add/>" and "<edit/>" in the source,
which [should] get javascript replaced once the document is done loading
into their full form (for <add/>, this would be something like <img
src="add.gif" border="0" onClick="javascript:handleEvent(this,'add')">).
In order to do this I figured the documented needed to use a few html
tags as well (mainly, it needed head, title, script and body), but I'm
not quite certain how to make this work. I've changed my dtd to read:
<!element html (head, body)>
<!element head (title, script)>
<!element title (#PCDATA*)>
<!element script (#PCDATA*)>
<!attlist script language CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!attlist script version CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!element body (list)>
where the
- element is the root node of my own XML data. The xml
file itself looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="nr-kvis.css" type="text/css"?>
<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "NR-jouyou.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>???? level 1 (80 ??)</title>
<script language="JavaScript" version="1.0">
<!-- commented off to prevent parse errors as usual -->
<body onLoad="javacsript:addInteraction()">
<list xmlns="http://www.nihongoresources.com/jouyou">
[...xml in the nihongoresources namespace...]
When I load this in firefox (quite a nice browser that's very xml
friendly) the javascript is never called.
A second issue is that if I include an html namespace element inside the
<list> content using for instance:
<html:img src="someimage.gif"/>
upon validation I get the error that "the html namespace is not bound". I
know that the xml I use changes the default namespace to list's namespace
while inside the list element, but I didn't know it voided html's as
well.. how do I bind and element to a namespace so I can use it anywhere
in my xml?
- Mike Kamermans