how do i update one section of a page leaving rest?


Tad McClellan

gavino said:
How Do i updae one section of a page leaving the rest?

By writing a Perl program that updates one section of a page
and leaving the rest.

DJ Stunks

Michele said:
(How do you know it was on -e line 1? Actually it wasn't!! :)

Why do you hate to do so? We're not here advertise broken code. My
mistake, I stand corrected:

$page =~ s/$startsection(.*?)$endsection/update_section($1)/e;

just because this is a stupid thread started by an even stupider troll
and because I know you know better :)

picking nits,

Jürgen Exner

gavino said:
How Do i updae one section of a page leaving the rest?

You could open that page in your favourite editor, delete the section you
don't like, and type in the new content.



Jürgen Exner said:
You could open that page in your favourite editor, delete the section you
don't like, and type in the new content.


thanks dude
The idea is to make cool web apps that are fast
A statik site wouldn't do well.
Remember to vote republican.


Michele said:
How Do i updae one section of a page leaving the rest?

You could open that page in your favourite editor, delete the section you
don't like, and type in the new content.
thanks dude
The idea is to make cool web apps that are fast
A statik site wouldn't do well.

Oh, you should have specified these details in the first place. Then
it would have been easier to help you. So here's another try: open the
sources for that web app in your favourite editor and write some code
that will delete the section you don't like, and update it with the
new content.
Remember to vote republican.

I will remember. I won't do it. I couldn't anyway. So, it doesn't make
a difference.

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}->(map substr
256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:"\r";print,redo}#JAPH,

You realise you come off as an idiot when you talk like this?
vote republican.

Uri Guttman

g> You realise you come off as an idiot when you talk like this?

nah, he was just treating you like the idiot you are. big difference.

g> vote republican.

more proof of your idiocy.


Jürgen Exner

gavino said:
vote republican.

Hmmmmmm, last time I checked my country was a republic already, no need to
vote against a Monarchy.
Of course it might be different for you if you are a victim of King George
in which case you should indeed vote in favour of restoring the republic.



Uri said:
g> You realise you come off as an idiot when you talk like this?

nah, he was just treating you like the idiot you are. big difference.

g> vote republican.

more proof of your idiocy.


you are useless


Jürgen Exner said:
Hmmmmmm, last time I checked my country was a republic already, no need to
vote against a Monarchy.
Of course it might be different for you if you are a victim of King George
in which case you should indeed vote in favour of restoring the republic.

I think we simply need to reduce governemnt spending, sadly bush does

Uri Guttman

g> you are useless

nah, just useless to you. and you don't count. i voted yesterday and
that turned out to be very useful to our country.

too bad to be you. have fun if you can. learn python. go bother them.



g> you are useless

nah, just useless to you. and you don't count. i voted yesterday and
that turned out to be very useful to our country.

too bad to be you. have fun if you can. learn python. go bother them.

Don't bother me with your eurotrash blather.
If you don't know be silent. Less people will know you are stupid.


vote against a Monarchy.
Of course it might be different for you if you are a victim of King George
in which case you should indeed vote in favour of restoring the republic.

George Bush: fixed clinton inflation, ficed 9-11, freed two countries,
vote republican. Europe can copy the USA but has a long way to go
until its living standard or schools catch up to usa.


How Do i updae one section of a page leaving the rest?
You could open that page in your favourite editor, delete the section you
don't like, and type in the new content.
thanks dude
The idea is to make cool web apps that are fast
A statik site wouldn't do well.Oh, you should have specified these details in the first place. Then
it would have been easier to help you. So here's another try: open the
sources for that web app in your favourite editor and write some code
that will delete the section you don't like, and update it with the
new content.
Remember to vote republican.I will remember. I won't do it. I couldn't anyway. So, it doesn't make
a difference.

oh what little country are you from?

Jürgen Exner

gavino said:
George Bush: fixed clinton inflation, ficed 9-11, freed two countries,
vote republican. Europe can copy the USA but has a long way to go
until its living standard or schools catch up to usa.

I have to grant you that much: the Department of Truth is very successful
indeed. You seem to be a prime example of its effectiveness.



George Bush: fixed clinton inflation, ficed 9-11, freed two countries,
vote republican. Europe can copy the USA but has a long way to go
until its living standard or schools catch up to usa.

Uh.. I think you have a few typos in there

George Bush: ran up trillion dollar war dept, so his corpoate buddies
can get out of their stock market slump. And since he passed tax laws
that prevents the rich from being taxed, he will now let the democrats
fix the debt, by inflation. Of course he will blame the dems for the

"ficed 9-11" ?
I think you mean "f*cked". Osama is still out there. The Taliban are
coming back, since the US went on a goose chase in Iraq.
Iraq has made the US people lose faith in it's leadership, so now
it will be even harder to launch overseas operations. Bush made
terrorism worse, by giving Al-Queda a foothold in Iraq, and plenty
of practice learning how to make IEDs and evading hightech American
eavesdropping and surveillance.

"freed two countries" ?
I think you meant "screwed 2 countries" who are now decimated by civil
war, and have seen more civilian deaths than Saddam or the Taliban ever

The purpose of government is to maintain order and the people's faith
in it.
Bush caused more disorder and destroyed faith in government.
That is bad.
What's worse, he was told beforehand it would happen, and
he ignored it.

Is he dumb? No.... he did it so his corporate buddies could profit by
running up a trillion dollar debt. He just pretends to be ignorant.

Uri Guttman

g> Don't bother me with your eurotrash blather.
g> If you don't know be silent. Less people will know you are stupid.

nah, i am from brooklyn and punks like you are insulted all the time
cause you earn it. keep it up and you may also get a bronx cheer!


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