Quoth Bengt Richter:
[borg vs singleton]
How about just
import zerolengthfile as borginstancename
and using it? E.g., [...]
That would be fine in many cases, I'm sure.
Modules don't do properties (or other descriptor magic), though.
Not insurmountable ;-)
====< propmod.py >==========================================
class PropModNames(object):
def __get__(self, ob, cls=None):
if ob is None: return self
return 'Shared names of propmod: %r' % vars(ob).keys()
def __set__(self, ob, val): raise AttributeError, 'names property is read-only'
def __delete__(self, ob, val): raise AttributeError, 'names property is read-only'
class SetPropModProp(object):
def __init__(self): self.name2use = None
def __get__(self, ob, cls=None):
if ob is None: return self
if not self.name2use:
props = [k for k,v in vars(ob.__class__).items()
if not k.startswith('_') and (
hasattr(v, '__get__') or hasattr(v, '__set__'))]
return 'Properties of propmod: %r' % props
return getattr(ob.__class__, self.name2use)
def __set__(self, ob, nameNprop):
if isinstance(nameNprop,str): self.name2use = nameNprop
elif len(nameNprop)==1: delattr(ob.__class__, nameNprop[0]) # (name,) means delete
else: name, prop = nameNprop; setattr(ob.__class__, name, prop)
class PropMod(object):
names = PropModNames()
properties = SetPropModProp() # expects propmod.setprop = name, property or name2use
def __init__(self): __import__('sys').modules['propmod'] = self
===< apm.py >============
import propmod as zz
The first lines below binds the real propmod module temporarily.
The second line binds the magic propmod locally and makes it available
(by PropMod.__init__ side effect ) for import by anyone else as
an ordinary (looking) "import propmod." (Note what apm.py does).
I thought it cute to make a property that is a kind of gateway to
the class attribute space, so that one can use the .properties attribute
of the propmod module to list, store, retrieve, and delete properties -- as well
as arbitrary class variables...
>>> import propmod
>>> propmod = propmod.PropMod()
>>> propmod.properties "Properties of propmod: ['names', 'properties']"
>>> propmod.names 'Shared names of propmod: []'
>>> propmod.x = 123
>>> propmod.y = 456
>>> propmod.names "Shared names of propmod: ['y', 'x']"
>>> propmod.properties "Properties of propmod: ['names', 'properties']"
>>> propmod.properties = ('hello', property(lambda self:'Hello properties!'))
>>> propmod.properties "Properties of propmod: ['hello', 'names', 'properties']"
>>> propmod.hello 'Hello properties!'
>>> import apm
>>> apm.zz.properties "Properties of propmod: ['hello', 'names', 'properties']"
>>> apm.zz.hello 'Hello properties!'
>>> apm.zz.z = 'z via apm.zz.z'
>>> propmod.z 'z via apm.zz.z'
>>> apm.zz.names
"Shared names of propmod: ['y', 'x', 'z']"
Not to go on and on, but ...
>>> apm.zz.properties = ('hello',)
>>> propmod.properties "Properties of propmod: ['names', 'properties']"
>>> propmod.properties = 'names'
>>> propmod.properties
>>> propmod.properties = ''
>>> propmod.properties "Properties of propmod: ['names', 'properties']"
>>> propmod.properties = ('classvar', 'classvar value')
>>> apm.zz.properties "Properties of propmod: ['names', 'properties']"
>>> apm.zz.classvar 'classvar value'
>>> apm.zz.__class__
>>> apm.zz.__class__.__dict__.keys() ['__module__', 'names', '__dict__', 'classvar', '__weakref__', 'properties', '__init__', '__doc__']
>>> apm.zz.__class__.__dict__['classvar'] 'classvar value'
>>> apm.zz.classvar = 'obj attr'
>>> propmod.names "Shared names of propmod: ['y', 'x', 'z', 'classvar']"
>>> propmod.classvar 'obj attr'
>>> del propmod.classvar
>>> propmod.classvar
'classvar value'
Bengt Richter