I have a file "a.dat" containing 10^4 32 bit binary numbers. I need to
read in these numbers and deterimine if they are prime. The primality
part I will have to figure out later, but I was wondering if there is
anyone out there that can help me in reading in the binary numbers.
Basically, read in 32 bits and thats
the first number, read in another 32 bits and thats the 2nd
number, etc. Is is something like this?
fread(char, sizeofchar, numberofelements, filepointer)
read in these numbers and deterimine if they are prime. The primality
part I will have to figure out later, but I was wondering if there is
anyone out there that can help me in reading in the binary numbers.
Basically, read in 32 bits and thats
the first number, read in another 32 bits and thats the 2nd
number, etc. Is is something like this?
fread(char, sizeofchar, numberofelements, filepointer)