How does a Class Come to Known that it has Given Access to Private
Member variable's ------>> to Group Certain Class's ?
what action it Need to Take when Other Non friend Class Access Its
variable ??
I'm not quite sure what you are asking about, but given the context of
the thread you are posting in I guess that what you are asking is how
information about access to members (private/protected/public) are
stored and enforced in the application. If this is not your question
then please clarify.
The answer is that such information is not stored in the application
itself, it's only used by the compiler while parsing the code. While
parsing the code it checks so that you only access private members from
within the class or from friends and so on. If you violate any of those
rules it generates an error and does not produce any executable. So the
access specifiers are purely compile-time constructs.