I developed a lossless, key-based, encryption algorithm that can work
in any modern programming language and it has a 1-to-1 relationship
between the unencrypted values and the encrypted values as long as
the key remains the same and the minimum values and maximum values
are known. The key can also be of virtually limitless size. How much
is this encryption algorithm potentially worth if I patent it?
I'd estimate about $0.
Cryptography is difficult and surprisingly involved. No one should be
willing to trust their data to an algorithm that has not undergone
intense cryptanalysis. At the very least, there needs to be signs that
the inventor is very much aware of cryptography and what can go wrong.
The selection process for the SHA-3, for example, rejected 26 of 51
round-1 applicants due to substantial cryptographic weaknesses, and many
of these were presumably proposed by active cryptographic researchers
(since it had to be approved well enough by NIST to make it into round 1).
Your coyness about describing any elements of the algorithm and the
inability to find a more appropriate venue (such as, I don't know,
sci.crypt) are highly suggestive that you have no practical experience
in understanding why cryptographic algorithms would be weak.