Michael Peuser
I should like to make a distribution (using Tkinter), with standard DLLs
pythonXX.dll is no problem.
tcl und tk, which make the mass of mega bytes, cannot be removed because
_tkinter.pyd seems to expect them in the same directory
(Question 1) Is there a configration or path setting in py2exe/distutils I
have overlooked?
O.k. In fact I do not want to have _tkinter.dll either because it belongs to
standard distribution
The command line option --exclude Tkinter however leads to an error message
when running the exe - this could have been expected however ;-)
Now I changed
import Tkinter
Tkinter= __import__("Tkinter")
This worked fine sofar as --exclude Tkinter was no longer needed to prevent
py2exe from copying tcl/tk
However "Tkinter" was not found by imputils now...
(Question 2) What did I miss??
Michael P
I should like to make a distribution (using Tkinter), with standard DLLs
pythonXX.dll is no problem.
tcl und tk, which make the mass of mega bytes, cannot be removed because
_tkinter.pyd seems to expect them in the same directory
(Question 1) Is there a configration or path setting in py2exe/distutils I
have overlooked?
O.k. In fact I do not want to have _tkinter.dll either because it belongs to
standard distribution
The command line option --exclude Tkinter however leads to an error message
when running the exe - this could have been expected however ;-)
Now I changed
import Tkinter
Tkinter= __import__("Tkinter")
This worked fine sofar as --exclude Tkinter was no longer needed to prevent
py2exe from copying tcl/tk
However "Tkinter" was not found by imputils now...
(Question 2) What did I miss??
Michael P