Bishnu Das
Hi all
**--my problem is that i get key and value .but i have to save in
the database. but while saving it will save only one key and
corresponding value ,but if i want to save more than one value to
corresponding keys ,it shows problems.
My code is like this:-
local_keys = @params.keys
first_addition = true
param_value =0
for key in 0...local_keys.length
key_name = local_keys[key]
value = @params[key_name]
puts "key "+key_name.to_s+ " value "+value.to_s
if key_name!="action" && key_name!="controller"
@test_runs = TestRuns.new
@test_run.ks=value(it is successful)(here ks is my column
but when i want to update more than one it is not successfull
-here ps is column name )
-here ts is column name)
-here ls is column name)
can i do it in a generic way.if anybody knows please help me in this
but any how i got all the keys and values .only my problem is how i
assignn each key to value.it should be in genric way.i have search it
but i do not get the right way.
**--my problem is that i get key and value .but i have to save in
the database. but while saving it will save only one key and
corresponding value ,but if i want to save more than one value to
corresponding keys ,it shows problems.
My code is like this:-
local_keys = @params.keys
first_addition = true
param_value =0
for key in 0...local_keys.length
key_name = local_keys[key]
value = @params[key_name]
puts "key "+key_name.to_s+ " value "+value.to_s
if key_name!="action" && key_name!="controller"
@test_runs = TestRuns.new
@test_run.ks=value(it is successful)(here ks is my column
but when i want to update more than one it is not successfull
can i do it in a generic way.if anybody knows please help me in this
but any how i got all the keys and values .only my problem is how i
assignn each key to value.it should be in genric way.i have search it
but i do not get the right way.