Techy wrote on 23 nov 2003 in microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general:
You misplace your ()
x = Left(rsName.Fields.Item("columnname").Value,50)
y = Replace(x,VbCrLf,"<br><br>")
response.write y
I have used thecode which is below to get x characters on to display
<%= LEFT(rsName.Fields.Item("columnname").Value,50)%>
It works fine but when I use this same code to get x characters plus
display it using VBCRLF, with the <br> with writing the code :
<%=Replace LEFT
it gives me error so please can you tell me how can i trim the
characaters and at the same time use VBCRLF.
why does this above code with LEFT + vbCrLF doesn't work please help
You misplace your ()
x = Left(rsName.Fields.Item("columnname").Value,50)
y = Replace(x,VbCrLf,"<br><br>")
response.write y