I recently installed Windows 2008 Server to replace a crashed hard drive on
a web server with a variety of web pages including several classic ASP
applications. One of these makes extensive use of file uploads using a com
tool that has worked for several years.
Under IIS7 doc files and jpeg files upload as before, but zip files give a
500 error. This works the same with the firewall on and off.
This does not seem like an IIS issue because you say doc and jpg files
upload as before -- if the COM tool handles the upload as HTTP entity
body, IIS certainly does NOT care if the source bytes came from a doc,
jpg (compressed graphics), or zip file.
If you see change in behavior, it is usually due to some hacky
behavior being employed by the COM tool or ASP app to make it work. It
really doesn't matter if it worked before, if it worked by accident.
One really has to look at the HTTP traffic involved on the request to
make the judgement of correctness.
You can turn on Failed Request Tracing to determine if it is any IIS
module returning the 500 error. If the 500 error comes from processing
the ASP page itself, then that's where I'd investigate. Perhaps you've
misconfigured your web app to accept file uploads -- my ASP Upload
Accepter doesn't use a COM tool and runs just fine on IIS7...
Event Logs won't tell you anything. 32/64bit won't result in
"different" behavior due to file content, and Failed Request Tracing
will tell whether ISAPIs are involved at all.