I would like to create a <Font> object that corresponds to Courier New
or Monospaced. Does anybody know how to do that?
/ To create a font, you specify:
// 1. The font family name
// 2. The style (combining attribute bits Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD and
// 3. The font size in points.
Font font = new Font( "Tiresias PCFont Z", Font.BOLD+Font.Italic, 15
likely font names:
"Monospaced" "DialogInput"
for monospaces font possibilities see
If you wanted a free font you could embed in your app,
If you wanted to create your own font, see
That is very difficult undertaking and requires unusual artistic skill
to create entire set of glyphs that look good together. It is most
definitely not a matter of designing each glyph in isolation.
Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
"Don’t worry about people stealing an idea; if it’s original, you’ll have to shove it down their throats."
~ Howard Aiken (born: 1900-03-08 died: 1973-03-14 at age: 73)