How to create a section in ELF?



I'm reading about ELF file format and trying to create one without any library, to really understand how the things works--I'm looking for actual codeexamples using it. In fact, I was able to create one by setting all neededheaders and put some op code to it print a string on std out. But how to create the string table and then the sections, to be honest, I have no code to show because I didn't understand even how to create the string table myself and set it to sh_name. I'd love any code example how to do this. I've search a lot on internet without luck. Even libelf by example doesn't show how to do it directly the explanation actually I get it's same as from standard elf document.


netorib94 said:
I'm reading about ELF file format and trying to create one without
any library, to really understand how the things works--I'm looking
for actual code examples using it. In fact, I was able to create one
by setting all needed headers and put some op code to it print a
string on std out. But how to create the string table and then the
sections, to be honest, I have no code to show because I didn't
understand even how to create the string table myself and set it to
sh_name. I'd love any code example how to do this. I've search a lot
on internet without luck. Even libelf by example doesn't show how to
do it directly the explanation actually I get it's same as from
standard elf document.

Try comp.unix.programmer

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