How to create keybinds?


Erik Lindstahl

My Rubyknowledge is somewhat limited, so im in need of some help with
the following dilemma..
is there a way to create keybinds in ruby? In plain english, I want to
be able to press f2 and run a rubyscript, how would I go about doing

Caleb Clausen

My Rubyknowledge is somewhat limited, so im in need of some help with
the following dilemma..
is there a way to create keybinds in ruby? In plain english, I want to
be able to press f2 and run a rubyscript, how would I go about doing

We need some more information to be able to help you. What environment
or windowing toolkit are you working in? It's certainly possible to
create, say, a win32 program in ruby which (when it is in the
foreground) responds to f2 by running a piece of ruby code. So, are
you looking at writing a win32 program? tk? macos? gtk? What operating
system are you using?

If you want to have a global mode keybinding that works no matter what
program is in the foreground, you should try out AutoHotKey if you're
on windows. On other operating systems, I'm not sure what the
equivalent would be, but there's probably a way.

Erik Lindstahl

Terribly sorry, We use a Ruby CLI interface for a javasystem running on
Linux. What I really do need is a keypressed scanner of some sort.. :)

R.. Kumar 1.9.1 OSX

Erik said:
Terribly sorry, We use a Ruby CLI interface for a javasystem running on
Linux. What I really do need is a keypressed scanner of some sort.. :)

If you want to map F2 (function keys, or alt/control keys) in your CLI
interface, you really need an ncurses interface. You would typically
have a loop checking for keypress and execute code based on key press.

To my knowledge, F2 cannot be bound without ncurses. If you are willing
to live with normal menus and key selections, you should look *Highline*
for building your CLI interface.

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