kind of like:
function addTTextBox(str)
var strSeparator = '\n';
document.getElementById('textbox_id').value += strSeparator + str;"}
then in the link
but this leaves you to say more about what you mean "text from links"
do you mean the innerHTML, the href, etc... that part was not very
well explained,
OK, thanks both for your responses.
but this leaves you to say more about what you mean "text from links"
I have a display div on the page showing files for upload. I want the
user to associate descriptions and a title for each file. So, the
display div has, say, five files waiting for upload inside it. Each
file has an anchor tag surrounding it making it a link. when clicked,
that activates the text box that is already visible lower down on the
page. So, when the first file in the list is clicked that would allow
the user to fill out text for this upload. When the next file in the
list is clicked, the text box becomes empty and the user can fill in
the associated text. And so on. When a user wants to go back to a
given entry, all he need to is click on a link in the "files" list and
the entry for that given file appears. It's sort of like an ajax
database query but, without the trip to the server.
Here Is A "VIEW SELECTION SOURCE" of three files in the queue:
<div id="files"><div style="text-decoration: none;"><a href="#nogo"
style="color: blue; text-decoration: none;">get_file.txt </a></
div><div style="text-decoration: none;"><a href="#nogo" style="color:
blue; text-decoration: none;">monkey.flv </a></div><div style="text-
decoration: none;"><a href="#nogo" style="color: blue; text-
decoration: none;">upload_code.rtf</a></div></div>