how to extract bunch of things from ( )



I need to extract all the args from this line of code:

foo3( "something %s", ( BYTE )arg1, arg2.m_pcContentLocation );

the result is something like this:

"something %s", ( BYTE )arg1, arg2.m_pcContentLocation

I'm fairly new to perl. Not sure if this is doable.

Thanks for your help!


Tad J McClellan

sherry said:
I need to extract all the args from this line of code:

foo3( "something %s", ( BYTE )arg1, arg2.m_pcContentLocation );

the result

The result of what?

Did you mean to post some code?

is something like this:

"something %s", ( BYTE )arg1, arg2.m_pcContentLocation

I'm fairly new to perl. Not sure if this is doable.

perldoc -f split


my $string = qq( "something %s", ( BYTE )arg1,
arg2.m_pcContentLocation );
my @vars = split /,/, $string;
foreach my $var (@vars) {print "$var\n";}

C:\PerlLearn>perl test.22.plx
"something %s"
( BYTE )arg1



Thanks for all the people replied. Since the length of the heading and
trailing are fixed, I used substr to extract it.



I need to extract all the args from this line of code:

foo3( "something %s", ( BYTE )arg1, arg2.m_pcContentLocation );

the result is something like this:

"something %s", ( BYTE )arg1, arg2.m_pcContentLocation

I'm fairly new to perl. Not sure if this is doable.

Thanks for your help!


This looks suspiciously like C++. Parsing to get the bracing
parameters is no less easy than parsing the function parameters themselves.

This very limited algo can get you into the parameters where you can
try some parsing techniques on the parameters.

As I said, beware, functions of functions, parameters of parameters will
make you crazy.


## ===============================================
## @ 3/21/09
## -------------------------------
## C/C++ Style Function Parser
## Idea - To parse out C/C++ style functions
## that have parenthetical closures (some don't).
## (Could be a package some day, dunno, maybe ..)
## - sln
## ===============================================
my $VERSION = 3.0;

use strict;
use warnings;

# Prototype's
sub Find_Function(\$\@);

# File-scoped variables
my ($FxParse,$FName,$Preamble);

# Set default function name

## --------
## main

# Source file
my $Source = join '', <DATA>;

# Extended, possibly non-compliant, function name - pattern examples:
# SetFunctionName(qr/_T/);
# SetFunctionName(qr/\(\s*void\s*\)\s*function/);
# SetFunctionName("\\(\\s*void\\s*\\)\\s*function");

# Parse some functions
# func ...
my @Funct = ();
Find_Function($Source, @Funct);

# Print @Funct functions found
# Note that segments can be modified and collated.
if (!@Funct) {
print "Function name pattern: '$FName' not found!\n";
} else {
print "\nFound ".@Funct." matches.\nFunction pattern: '$FName' \n";
for my $ref (@Funct) {
printf "\n\@: %6d - %s\n", $$ref[3], substr($Source, $$ref[0], $$ref[2] - $$ref[0]);

## end main
## ----------

# Set the parser's function regex pattern
sub SetFunctionName
if (!@_) {
$FName = "_*[a-zA-Z][\\w]*"; # Matches all compliant function names (default)
} else {
$FName = shift;
$Preamble = "\\s*\\(";

# Compile function parser regular expression
# Regex condensed:
# $FxParse = qr!//(?:[^\\]|\\\n?)*?\n|/\*.*?\*/|\\.|'["()]'|(")|($FName$Preamble)|(\()|(\))!s;
# | | | |1 1|2 2|3 3|4 4
# Note - Non-Captured, matching items, are meant to consume!
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Regex /xpanded (with commentary):
$FxParse = # Regex Precedence (items MUST be in this order):
qr! # -----------------------------------------------
// # comment - //
(?: # grouping
[^\\] # any non-continuation character ^\
| # or
\\\n? # any continuation character followed by 0-1 newline \n
)*? # to be done 0-many times, stopping at the first end of comment
\n | # end of comment - //
/\*.*?\*/ | # comment - /* + anything + */
\\. | # escaped char - backslash + ANY character
'["()]' | # single quote char - quote then one of ", (, or ), then quote
(") | # capture $1 - double quote as a flag
($FName$Preamble) | # capture $2 - $FName + $Preamble
(\() | # capture $3 - ( as a flag
(\)) # capture $4 - ) as a flag

# Procedure that finds C/C++ style functions
# (the engine)
# Notes:
# - This is not a syntax checker !!!
# - Nested functions index and closure are cached. The search is single pass.
# - Parenthetical closures are determined via cached counter.
# - This precedence avoids all ambigous paranthetical open/close conditions:
# 1. Dual comment styles.
# 2. Escapes.
# 3. Single quoted characters.
# 4. Double quotes, fip-flopped to determine closure.
# - Improper closures are reported, with the last one reliably being the likely culprit
# (this would be a syntax error, ie: the code won't complie, but it is reported as a closure error).
sub Find_Function(\$\@)
my ($src,$Funct) = @_;
my @Ndx = ();
my @Closure = ();
my ($Lines,$offset,$closure,$dquotes) = (1,0,0,0);

while ($$src =~ /$FxParse/g)
if (defined $1) # double quote "
$dquotes = !$dquotes;
next if ($dquotes);

if (defined $2) # 'function name'
# ------------------------------------
# Placeholder for exclusions......
# ------------------------------------

# Cache the current function index and current closure
push @Ndx, scalar(@$Funct);
push @Closure, $closure;

my ($funcpos, $parampos) = ( $-[0], pos($$src) );

# Get newlines since last function
$Lines += substr ($$src, $offset, $funcpos - $offset) =~ tr/\n//;
# print $Lines,"\n";

# Save positions: function( parms )
push @$Funct , [$funcpos, $parampos, 0, $Lines];

# Asign new offset
$offset = $funcpos;
# Closure is now 1 because of preamble '('
$closure = 1;
elsif (defined $3) # '('
elsif (defined $4) # ')'
if ($closure <= 0)
$closure = 0;
if (@Ndx)
# Pop index and closure, store position
$$Funct[pop @Ndx][2] = pos($$src);
$closure = pop @Closure;

# To test an error, either take off the closure of a function in its source,
# or force it this way (pseudo error, make sure you have data in @$Funct):
# push @Ndx, 1;

# Its an error if index stack has elements.
# The last one reported is the likely culprit.
if (@Ndx)
## All elements in stack have to be fixed up
while (@Ndx) {
my $func_index = shift @Ndx;
my $ref = $$Funct[$func_index];
$$ref[2] = $$ref[1];
print STDERR "** Bad return, index = $func_index\n";
print "** Error! Unclosed function [$func_index], line ".
$$ref[3].": '".substr ($$src, $$ref[0], $$ref[2] - $$ref[0] )."'\n";
return 0;
return 1


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