Trying to calculate next date after user enters a date ?
can this be done with strftime ?
if user enters 1-Mar-2007, want to return 2-Mar-2007.
if user enters 5-Mar-2007, want to return 6-Mar-2007.
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use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX 'strftime';
my $date1, date2;
print ("\n Enter the start date ex: (1-Mar-2006): ");
chomp($date1 = <STDIN>);
# calculate next day here
print ("You have entered a date of $date1 and the next day is: $date2 \n");
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can this be done with strftime ?
if user enters 1-Mar-2007, want to return 2-Mar-2007.
if user enters 5-Mar-2007, want to return 6-Mar-2007.
**************start of code ************************
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX 'strftime';
my $date1, date2;
print ("\n Enter the start date ex: (1-Mar-2006): ");
chomp($date1 = <STDIN>);
# calculate next day here
print ("You have entered a date of $date1 and the next day is: $date2 \n");
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