Excel 009
Hi All,
I have the appended code which I used for a banner rotator. It works
great except that there 1. there is a border which I do not want and
2. on top of the banner there is a black bar with white text "Rotator"
which I also do not want.
Does anyone know how to get ride of the caption and the border?
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
var urlArray = new Array(3); //for URL's, increase size as necessary
var banArray = new Array(3); //for banners, increase size as necessary
var counter = 1;
var url = "http://javascript.internet.com"; //initial URL
//add your necessary URL's
urlArray[0] = "http://www.yahoo.com";
urlArray[1] = "http://www.google.com";
urlArray[2] = "http://www.msn.com";
if(document.images) //pre-load all banner images
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
banArray = new Image(468, 60);
banArray.src = "banners/banner" + (i+1) + ".jpg";
function changeBanner() //banner changer function
if(counter > 2)
counter = 0;
document.banner.src = banArray[counter].src; //sets a new banner
url = urlArray[counter]; //sets a new URL to the banner
counter++; //increase the counter for the next banner
//calls the changeBanner() function every 3 seconds
//change the timer as necessary (minutes * 60000) or (seconds * 1000)
var timer = window.setInterval("changeBanner()", 3000);
<a href="#" onClick="window.open(url,'BannerWin');">
<img src="buy.jpg" border=0 name="banner"></a>
I have the appended code which I used for a banner rotator. It works
great except that there 1. there is a border which I do not want and
2. on top of the banner there is a black bar with white text "Rotator"
which I also do not want.
Does anyone know how to get ride of the caption and the border?
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
var urlArray = new Array(3); //for URL's, increase size as necessary
var banArray = new Array(3); //for banners, increase size as necessary
var counter = 1;
var url = "http://javascript.internet.com"; //initial URL
//add your necessary URL's
urlArray[0] = "http://www.yahoo.com";
urlArray[1] = "http://www.google.com";
urlArray[2] = "http://www.msn.com";
if(document.images) //pre-load all banner images
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
banArray = new Image(468, 60);
banArray.src = "banners/banner" + (i+1) + ".jpg";
function changeBanner() //banner changer function
if(counter > 2)
counter = 0;
document.banner.src = banArray[counter].src; //sets a new banner
url = urlArray[counter]; //sets a new URL to the banner
counter++; //increase the counter for the next banner
//calls the changeBanner() function every 3 seconds
//change the timer as necessary (minutes * 60000) or (seconds * 1000)
var timer = window.setInterval("changeBanner()", 3000);
<a href="#" onClick="window.open(url,'BannerWin');">
<img src="buy.jpg" border=0 name="banner"></a>