I’d like to know, whether it is possible to set enabled = false or visible = false on the tabs of the MultiPage WebControl at runtime (check out http://www.asp.net/ControlGallery/ControlDetail.aspx?Control=72&tabindex=2 which is a quite nice control). I understand that the Microsoft® Internet Explorer WebControls are currently not supported but probably somebody else had this problem and knows a solution for this dilemma
I try something like the following
' in declaratio
Protected WithEvents mpHoriz As Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.MultiPag
' in cod
mpHoriz.Controls(0).Visible = Fals
' and get the following erro
runtime exception: System.Exception - Cannot set Visible property on PageView since it is handled by the MultiPage
Thank you a lot in advance
I’d like to know, whether it is possible to set enabled = false or visible = false on the tabs of the MultiPage WebControl at runtime (check out http://www.asp.net/ControlGallery/ControlDetail.aspx?Control=72&tabindex=2 which is a quite nice control). I understand that the Microsoft® Internet Explorer WebControls are currently not supported but probably somebody else had this problem and knows a solution for this dilemma
I try something like the following
' in declaratio
Protected WithEvents mpHoriz As Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.MultiPag
' in cod
mpHoriz.Controls(0).Visible = Fals
' and get the following erro
runtime exception: System.Exception - Cannot set Visible property on PageView since it is handled by the MultiPage
Thank you a lot in advance