Borland dumped all its "Borand C++ Builder" (BCB) customers. So it is our
term to dump Borland (not only BCB).
As a part of my attempt to dump long-loved BCB I'm trying to investigate how
one can implement "__property" in ANSI C++.
Would anyone have a solution hot to implement "__property" in ANSI C++ ie.
how to make following code compile in non-BCB C++ compiler?
class TMyClass
int FMyVariable;
void __fastcall SetMyVariable(int Value) { FMyVariable = Value;}
int __fastcall GetMyVariable() { return FMyVariable;}
__property int MyVariable = {read=GetMyVariable, write=SetMyVariable};
TMyClass MyClass;
void __fastcall TMyForm::Button2Click(TObject *Sender)
MyClass.MyVariable = 1234;
Caption = IntToStr(MyClass.MyVariable);
term to dump Borland (not only BCB).
As a part of my attempt to dump long-loved BCB I'm trying to investigate how
one can implement "__property" in ANSI C++.
Would anyone have a solution hot to implement "__property" in ANSI C++ ie.
how to make following code compile in non-BCB C++ compiler?
class TMyClass
int FMyVariable;
void __fastcall SetMyVariable(int Value) { FMyVariable = Value;}
int __fastcall GetMyVariable() { return FMyVariable;}
__property int MyVariable = {read=GetMyVariable, write=SetMyVariable};
TMyClass MyClass;
void __fastcall TMyForm::Button2Click(TObject *Sender)
MyClass.MyVariable = 1234;
Caption = IntToStr(MyClass.MyVariable);