Axel Straschil
I've got an class with a couple of depending methods.
I want to inheritance and create a new class where just
one method ist overwritten.
My problem: When python is executing the mother-method,
not the depending mother-method is taken, it take the
method of the chield.
In my example, i want that K2.bestCaptionlong() returns
the same as KObject.bestCaptionlong() - no way!
I've tryed (in K2) something like:
def bestCaptionlong(self):
return KObject().bestCaptionlong()
which I expected to be like KObject::bestCaptionlong() in
C++, but it doesn't work ;-(
Any Idea how to make the mother-class calling her method's?
Here is my Example:
class KObject:
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return (
"label: [%s], %s, (%s)\n"+
"caption: [%s], %s, (%s)\n"+
"captionlong: [%s], %s, (%s)"
)%( self._label, self.label(), self.bestLabel(),
self._caption, self.caption(), self.bestCaption(),
self._captionlong, self.captionlong(), self.bestCaptionlong()
def label(self):
return self._label
def caption(self):
return self._caption
def captionlong(self):
return self._captionlong
def bestLabel(self):
return self.label()
def bestCaption(self):
if self.caption() is not None:
return self.caption()
return self.bestLabel()
def bestCaptionlong(self):
if self.captionlong() is not None:
return self.captionlong()
return self.bestCaption()
class K2(KObject):
def bestCaption(self):
return "Overwritten"
k = KObject()
k2 = K2()
print k
print k2
Thanks, AXEL.
I've got an class with a couple of depending methods.
I want to inheritance and create a new class where just
one method ist overwritten.
My problem: When python is executing the mother-method,
not the depending mother-method is taken, it take the
method of the chield.
In my example, i want that K2.bestCaptionlong() returns
the same as KObject.bestCaptionlong() - no way!
I've tryed (in K2) something like:
def bestCaptionlong(self):
return KObject().bestCaptionlong()
which I expected to be like KObject::bestCaptionlong() in
C++, but it doesn't work ;-(
Any Idea how to make the mother-class calling her method's?
Here is my Example:
class KObject:
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return (
"label: [%s], %s, (%s)\n"+
"caption: [%s], %s, (%s)\n"+
"captionlong: [%s], %s, (%s)"
)%( self._label, self.label(), self.bestLabel(),
self._caption, self.caption(), self.bestCaption(),
self._captionlong, self.captionlong(), self.bestCaptionlong()
def label(self):
return self._label
def caption(self):
return self._caption
def captionlong(self):
return self._captionlong
def bestLabel(self):
return self.label()
def bestCaption(self):
if self.caption() is not None:
return self.caption()
return self.bestLabel()
def bestCaptionlong(self):
if self.captionlong() is not None:
return self.captionlong()
return self.bestCaption()
class K2(KObject):
def bestCaption(self):
return "Overwritten"
k = KObject()
k2 = K2()
print k
print k2
Thanks, AXEL.