Bram said:Hi all,
as a C++ newbie, I got some question on the initialization of static
reference data members.
Since it isn't possible to initialize static members of a class in the
constructor, I should initialize them in advance. However, the following
code, in which I first produce two classses and then try to assign a
reference of the first class to a static data member of the second class
doesn't work. It gives the following compiler error:
error: no match for ‘operator=’ in ‘ga::ref = v’
note: candidates are: bla& bla:perator=(const bla&)
Since I don't wanna go into operator overloading for something this
simple, how should I properly initialize a static member referencing to
an object?
here is my code:
class bla
class ga
static bla &ref;
pay attention with static member references, because of the
initialization order. The static variables are initialized when the
program is started, and the order of initialization is very important.
int main()
bla v();
ga::ref = v;
this is a quite serious error. ga::ref is created when you first run the
program, before the main is executed. Then you are only assigning v to
an unbinded reference.
you should initialize ga::ref outside of any function, like
bla& ga::ref = v;
but v should be a static variable istantiated before in the same
transactional unit, or the result of a function.
If you want a shared object that you can change over time, you may want
to use a pointer instead of a reference.