Bartee said:
I am somewhat a noob !
Used windows installer to get 1.9.1 on windows.
I am getting errors using Rails 3 and 1.9.1 as described by many.
Would like to get 1.9.2 on my win machine.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
You install YARV 1.9.2 pretty much the same way you install YARV
1.9.1, MRI 1.8.7 or MRI 1.8.6:
1. Download the package from <
2. Extract it to a directory of your choosing (though ideally one
without spaces or non-ASCII characters in the pathname)
3. There is no step 3.
4. Well, actually, depending on your taste, you might want to install
the devkit, add the bin directory to your %PATH% etc ...
The only difference between pre-release versions and final releases is
that final releases come in two flavors (an LZMA archive and a .exe
installer) and have CHM documentation whereas the pre-releases only
have the LZMA archives.
Note that IIRC, pik supports YARV 1.9.2, so if you use pik you should
just be able to do:
pik install ruby 1.9.2
I can't test it though, because for some reason, pik doesn't work on
my machine.