Edward K. Ream
I've spent a pleasant hour or so trying to bring up a top-level Tk menu at
the same spot as it would appear if I had actually clicked the menu. That
is, I want to bring up a menu from the keyboard.
The problem is computing the x and y args to menu.post. menu.winfo_x and
menu.winfo_rootx are always 0, presumably be cause the menu isn't packed.
And I haven't been able to use menu.invoke(??) to invoke the menu *itself*.
One would think this would be a basic Tk functionality.
Any ideas? Thanks.
P.S. Here is my best so far. (It must be run from Leo for the Leo magic to
import tkFont
name = 'File' # The menu to be invoked.
# A list of all of Leo's menus.
menus = ('File','Edit','Outline','Plugins','Cmds','Window','Help')
# Compute the *approximate* x offsets of each menu.
offsets = {} ; n = 0
for z in menus:
menu = c.frame.menu.getMenu(z)
fontName = menu.cget('font')
font = tkFont.Font(font=fontName)
offsets[z] = n
# A total hack: sorta works on windows.
n += font.measure(z+' '*4)+1
top = c.frame.top # Leo magic.
topx,topy = top.winfo_rootx(),top.winfo_rooty()
menu = c.frame.menu.getMenu(name) # Leo magic.
I've spent a pleasant hour or so trying to bring up a top-level Tk menu at
the same spot as it would appear if I had actually clicked the menu. That
is, I want to bring up a menu from the keyboard.
The problem is computing the x and y args to menu.post. menu.winfo_x and
menu.winfo_rootx are always 0, presumably be cause the menu isn't packed.
And I haven't been able to use menu.invoke(??) to invoke the menu *itself*.
One would think this would be a basic Tk functionality.
Any ideas? Thanks.
P.S. Here is my best so far. (It must be run from Leo for the Leo magic to
import tkFont
name = 'File' # The menu to be invoked.
# A list of all of Leo's menus.
menus = ('File','Edit','Outline','Plugins','Cmds','Window','Help')
# Compute the *approximate* x offsets of each menu.
offsets = {} ; n = 0
for z in menus:
menu = c.frame.menu.getMenu(z)
fontName = menu.cget('font')
font = tkFont.Font(font=fontName)
offsets[z] = n
# A total hack: sorta works on windows.
n += font.measure(z+' '*4)+1
top = c.frame.top # Leo magic.
topx,topy = top.winfo_rootx(),top.winfo_rooty()
menu = c.frame.menu.getMenu(name) # Leo magic.