I've now come across a second usecase for knowing if a method is
read-write or read-only on it's object's state. Both cases boil-down to
having meta-method behave differently depending on the behavior of
method being delegated to, but the circumstances differ completely. To
give an example, the current case generates method wraps for any given
class, applying thread sycronization. If a method is read-only it's
wraped in a Sync::SH, if read-write then Sync::Ex.
So I wonder, is there a way to determine this fact about a method?
read-write or read-only on it's object's state. Both cases boil-down to
having meta-method behave differently depending on the behavior of
method being delegated to, but the circumstances differ completely. To
give an example, the current case generates method wraps for any given
class, applying thread sycronization. If a method is read-only it's
wraped in a Sync::SH, if read-write then Sync::Ex.
So I wonder, is there a way to determine this fact about a method?