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Yes, that is a very common idiom used by many Ruby programmers to
determine if the code is being included or 'run' by itself. Good job
figuring it out.
Coincidentally, an idiom I don't like. Let libraries be libraries,
executables be executables (I prefer to use minimal "wire up" scripts
for my standalone apps, and keep the reusable bits in other files), and
test code be test code. Having a library test itself when "run" is a
common kludge I find rather pointless - not like your users ever need to
know test run results, it's the developer's responsibility to take care
of those. And it's the job of development tools to handle running tests
conveniently, not the programmer's by making his code indirectly depend
on its tests. (IIRC some RubyMate screencasts, that editor does seem to
have this thing covered.)
David Vallner
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