How to open a browser with perl ?



Hi all,
I have been woring in perl for past 6 months. I need to open a IE
browser using perl scripts, and all the time when I run the script, the
browser shuld auto refresh. Can anyone help me how to open a browser
and how to make it auto refresh ?
If u have came across any modules to be used in cpan for this, let me
know that.


Jürgen Exner

Ashok said:
I have been woring in perl for past 6 months. I need to open a IE
browser using perl scripts, and all the time when I run the script,
the browser shuld auto refresh. Can anyone help me how to open a

Simple. Exactly the same way as you would call any other external program:
- system()
- backticks
- qx()
- exec()
- ...

and how to make it auto refresh ?

To my knowlegde there is no command line parameter or env var or other
option to force IE to auto refresh. It all depends on the document that you


John Bokma

Ashok said:
Hi all,
I have been woring in perl for past 6 months. I need to open a IE
browser using perl scripts, and all the time when I run the script, the
browser shuld auto refresh. Can anyone help me how to open a browser
and how to make it auto refresh ?
If u have came across any modules to be used in cpan for this, let me
know that.

Maybe better to explain what you want to do, and why you want to refresh.
Sounds like a bot for ad fraud to me, but I love to be wrong on this.

If you need to refresh a page often to kick something into action (for
example a CGI script if you have no crontab access), you can do this from
Perl directly without a problem.


Ashok said:
Hi all,
I have been woring in perl for past 6 months. I need to open a IE
browser using perl scripts, and all the time when I run the script, the
browser shuld auto refresh. Can anyone help me how to open a browser
and how to make it auto refresh ?
If u have came across any modules to be used in cpan for this, let me
know that.


Sounds like you need to use Win32::OLE to access the IE automation

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