how to order a struct?


I have a struct like that (for a graph):

struct edge {
int nodea;
int nodeb;
int weight;

I have an array of this struct:
struct e edge[250000000000];

How can I order this struct by the weight?
how can I use 'sort' function of std library?

Thankyou in advance, Mario.

svenne said:
I have a struct like that (for a graph):

struct edge {
int nodea;
int nodeb;
int weight;

I have an array of this struct:
struct e edge[250000000000];

How can I order this struct by the weight?
how can I use 'sort' function of std library?
so you could do a bubble sort or something similar, or use the std::sort
but it seems to me that you are looking for a tree, why have nodea and nodeb
if you don't want a tree?
check out google for tree algorithms,

hall said:
I have a struct like that (for a graph):

struct edge {
int nodea;
int nodeb;
int weight;

I have an array of this struct:
struct e edge[250000000000];

How can I order this struct by the weight?
how can I use 'sort' function of std library?

Thankyou in advance, Mario.

First of all, I'd like to advise you to drop the array and use a
std::vector instead, unless you have a good reason to use an array.
Vectors are more user friendly.

Now, in order to sort your struct, you need a function that compares two
Edge objects. In the code below, the function a_less does this by
returning true if the first argument has a smaller 'a' than the second.
This function can also be made a static member function of Edge. For
convenience, i also added a constructor to your class.

The code sorts both an array and a std::vector.

have fun.

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

struct Edge {
int a;
int b;
Edge(int a0, int b0): a(a0), b(b0){}

bool a_less(Edge & arg1, Edge & arg2 ){ return arg1.a < arg2.a; }

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// sorting an std::vector
std::vector<Edge> v;
v.push_back( Edge(3,0) );
v.push_back( Edge(1,0) );
v.push_back( Edge(2,0) );
std::sort( v.begin(), v.end(), a_less );

// sorting an array
Edge array[3] = { Edge(3,0), Edge(1,0), Edge(2,0) };
std::sort( &array[0], &array[3], a_less );

return 0;

Alex Jin said:
I have a struct like that (for a graph):

struct edge {
int nodea;
int nodeb;
int weight;

I have an array of this struct:
struct e edge[250000000000];

How can I order this struct by the weight?
how can I use 'sort' function of std library?

Thankyou in advance, Mario.

struct edge_compare
bool operator()( const edge& xx1, const edge& xx2 ) const
return xx1.weight < xx2.weight;

sort( edge_array, edge_array + sizeof(edge_array) /
sizeof(edge_array[0]), edge_compare() );

Alex Jin.
Shanghai, China.

Howard said:
I have a struct like that (for a graph):

struct edge {
int nodea;
int nodeb;
int weight;

I have an array of this struct:
struct e edge[250000000000];

!!! I'd love to see the machine that can allocate 250 billion objects!

How can I order this struct by the weight?
how can I use 'sort' function of std library?

Thankyou in advance, Mario.

Even if you *could* allocate 250 billion items, sorting would take forever!



Howard posted: said:
I have a struct like that (for a graph):

struct edge {
int nodea;
int nodeb;
int weight;

I have an array of this struct:
struct e edge[250000000000];

!!! I'd love to see the machine that can allocate 250 billion objects!

How can I order this struct by the weight?
how can I use 'sort' function of std library?

Thankyou in advance, Mario.

Even if you *could* allocate 250 billion items, sorting would take




JKop said:
Howard posted: said:
I have a struct like that (for a graph):

struct edge {
int nodea;
int nodeb;
int weight;

I have an array of this struct:
struct e edge[250000000000];

!!! I'd love to see the machine that can allocate 250 billion objects!

How can I order this struct by the weight?
how can I use 'sort' function of std library?

Thankyou in advance, Mario.

Even if you *could* allocate 250 billion items, sorting would take


Well, I see at least one 64-bit machine there. But I don't see anything
suggesting that you can put 256gig of memory in one!


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