I have this function:
double calcolo_errore (gsl_vector_complex *w_k, int
elementi,gsl_vector_complex *steering_vector_c_t, int teta_l, int
teta_r, int fi_r, int fi_l, int counter, double f_k_piu_uno[][])
int fi_j, teta_i ;
double valore_errore ;
for (teta_i = 0 ; teta_i <= 90 ; teta_i++)
for (fi_j = 0 ; fi_j <= 360 ; fi_j++)
valore_errore += f_k_piu_uno [teta_i][fi_j] * pow (fabs
(calcolo_P_y_k (w_k, elementi, steering_vector_c_t) -
calcolo_P_riferimento (teta_i, fi_j, teta_l, teta_r, fi_r, fi_l)), 2) ;
printf ("\nCiclo: %d, Errore = %lf\n\n", counter, valore_errore) ;
return valore_errore ;
i receive the error message:
implementazione_algoritmov6.c:397: error: invalid use of array with
unspecified bounds
the row 397 is:
valore_errore += f_k_piu_uno [teta_i][fi_j] * pow (fabs
(calcolo_P_y_k (w_k, elementi, steering_vector_c_t) -
calcolo_P_riferimento (teta_i, fi_j, teta_l, teta_r, fi_r, fi_l)), 2) ;
Can't i use the writing with "[][]" in a function to have an element of
a vector?
what alternatives have i?
Thank u, Marco.
double calcolo_errore (gsl_vector_complex *w_k, int
elementi,gsl_vector_complex *steering_vector_c_t, int teta_l, int
teta_r, int fi_r, int fi_l, int counter, double f_k_piu_uno[][])
int fi_j, teta_i ;
double valore_errore ;
for (teta_i = 0 ; teta_i <= 90 ; teta_i++)
for (fi_j = 0 ; fi_j <= 360 ; fi_j++)
valore_errore += f_k_piu_uno [teta_i][fi_j] * pow (fabs
(calcolo_P_y_k (w_k, elementi, steering_vector_c_t) -
calcolo_P_riferimento (teta_i, fi_j, teta_l, teta_r, fi_r, fi_l)), 2) ;
printf ("\nCiclo: %d, Errore = %lf\n\n", counter, valore_errore) ;
return valore_errore ;
i receive the error message:
implementazione_algoritmov6.c:397: error: invalid use of array with
unspecified bounds
the row 397 is:
valore_errore += f_k_piu_uno [teta_i][fi_j] * pow (fabs
(calcolo_P_y_k (w_k, elementi, steering_vector_c_t) -
calcolo_P_riferimento (teta_i, fi_j, teta_l, teta_r, fi_r, fi_l)), 2) ;
Can't i use the writing with "[][]" in a function to have an element of
a vector?
what alternatives have i?
Thank u, Marco.