How to print (2 & (1 * (2**32)))?


Paul Lalli

sonet said:
print (2 & (1 * (2**32)));

The result is 2 ??

You're likely to get a much more informative response if you explain
why you think it should be something other than 2.

Paul Lalli


(2 & (1 * (2**32))) must be 0 ??

Paul Lalli said:
You're likely to get a much more informative response if you explain
why you think it should be something other than 2.

Paul Lalli


Paul Lalli said:
You're likely to get a much more informative response if you explain
why you think it should be something other than 2.

Admittedly it's not a very well phrased question - but it doesn't surprise
me that someone should find that result surprising.

'perldoc perlop' says that Binary "&" returns its operands ANDed together
bit by bit. On the basis of that, it's hard to see how
is going to return anything other than 0. I assume there's an explanation
somewhere in the perl docs - but I couldn't find it.


Paul Lalli

Sisyphus said:
Admittedly it's not a very well phrased question - but it doesn't surprise
me that someone should find that result surprising.

'perldoc perlop' says that Binary "&" returns its operands ANDed together
bit by bit. On the basis of that, it's hard to see how
is going to return anything other than 0. I assume there's an explanation
somewhere in the perl docs - but I couldn't find it.

Does this help explain?
$ perl -le'printf ("%b\n", 2**32)'

On a 32 bit system, the biggest number that can be expressed is 2**32 -
1. Your buffer doth flow over. ;-)

Paul Lalli

Paul Lalli

David said:
sonet, mié20051228@11:06:40(CET):

Of course. '2 & anything' will yield 2 for any even 'anything', and 0 for
any odd 'anything'. See perlop.

Uhm. What part of perlop makes that mistake?

$ perl -le'print (2 & 8)'

I think you're thinking of the rule that
$x & 1 == 1 if $x is odd
$x & 1 == 0 if $x is even

No such similar rule applies for &-ing to 2.

Paul Lalli


Sisyphus said:
Admittedly it's not a very well phrased question - but it doesn't surprise
me that someone should find that result surprising.

'perldoc perlop' says that Binary "&" returns its operands ANDed together
bit by bit. On the basis of that, it's hard to see how
is going to return anything other than 0. I assume there's an explanation
somewhere in the perl docs - but I couldn't find it.

Probably because 2**32 comes out as -1:

use warnings;

print '(2 & (1 * (2**32)))', "\n";

$two = 2;
$two_power = 2**32;

use warnings;

print '(2 & (1 * (2**32)))', "\n";

$two = 2;
$two_power = 2**32;

$two_anded = $two & $two_power;

printf "(2 & (1 * (2**32))) = %d\n", (2 & (1 * (2**32)));
printf "%d \& %d \= %d\n",$two, $two_power, $two_anded;

(2 & (1 * (2**32)))
(2 & (1 * (2**32))) = 2
2 & -1 = 2

Eric J. Roode

Does this help explain?
$ perl -le'printf ("%b\n", 2**32)'

On a 32 bit system, the biggest number that can be expressed is 2**32
- 1. Your buffer doth flow over. ;-)

Why would the buffer overflow? I thought if you did arithmetic that was
too big to fit into an integer, perl automagically promoted the number to a
floating-point. I would have guessed that, with %b, you'd get a binary
representation of the floating-point number. Apparently, however, when you
try to %b (or %d) a number greater than 2**32-1, you get -1.

Perl must internally be detecting that the floating-point number is too
large, and substituting -1 in that case.


Paul Lalli

Eric said:
I would have guessed that, with %b, you'd get a binary
representation of the floating-point number. Apparently, however, when you
try to %b (or %d) a number greater than 2**32-1, you get -1.

Perl must internally be detecting that the floating-point number is too
large, and substituting -1 in that case.

$ perl -le'printf ("%b\n", 4.5)'
$ perl -le'printf ("%b\n", 3.2)'

It would seem that %b truncates to an integer, just as %d, %o, and %x
do. This makes sense, as `perldoc -f sprintf` tells us this about the
%b format code:
%b an unsigned integer, in binary

Additionally, as relates to the original point of the & operator,
`perldoc perlop` tells us:
Used on numbers, the bitwise operators ("&", "|", "^", "~",
"<<", and ">>") always produce integral results.

Paul Lalli

Bill Ricker N1VUX

Does this help explain?
$ perl -le'printf ("%b\n", 2**32)'
On a 32 bit system, the biggest number that can be expressed is 2**32 -
1. Your buffer doth flow over. ;-)

And on a 64bit system ... or a 64bit Perl running on a 32 bit system! ... you
get the desired response -

$ perl -v | perl -nle 'print if /is perl,/i'
This is perl, v5.8.7 built for cygwin-thread-multi-64int
$ perl -w -e 'printf ("%b\n", 2**32);'
$ perl -w -e 'print (2 & (1 * (2**32)));'

Same system, other Perl says
D:\>perl -v | perl -nle "print if /is perl,/i"
This is perl, v5.6.0 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
D:\>perl -w -e "printf(qq{%b\n}, 2**32)"
D:\>perl -w -e "print (2 & (1 * (2**32)));"

Real 64-bit hardware ...
$ perl -v | perl -nle 'print if /is perl,/i'
This is perl, v5.8.4 built for alpha-linux-thread-multi
$ perl -w -e 'printf ("%b\n", 2**32);'
$ perl -w -le 'print (2 & (1 * (2**32)));'

A Piii server running Ubuntu ...
$ perl -v | perl -nle 'print if /is perl,/i'
This is perl, v5.8.7 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
$ perl -w -e 'printf ("%b\n", 2**32);'
$ perl -w -le 'print (2 & (1 * (2**32)));'

Thank you for this question, I didn't know Cygwin's perl for their Gnu-on-Win
was 64 bit before I checked this behavior. I'm not sure how the Cygwin folks
got their Perl distribution to compile 64bit for 686 architecture, but I'm not
complaining. It also has USE_LARGE_FILES so maybe I can scan the 4MB
dictionary file now ...

Happy Holiday,

I had a .sig before the Eternal September ... what's the point now?


"Paul Lalli" <[email protected]>
Does this help explain?
$ perl -le'printf ("%b\n", 2**32)'

You get the same for 2 ** 33 (and larger powers). Is this reliable, defined
behaviour ? Or is it machine dependent ? Or is it just plain undefined
behaviour ? I'm a little curious as to where the documentation is.
On a 32 bit system, the biggest number that can be expressed is 2**32 -
1. Your buffer doth flow over. ;-)

Yes - but shouldn't this be spelled out clearly in the perl docs ? (I would
think it *is* spelled out clearly in the perl documentation .... somewhere
..... though I can't find it .)


Paul Lalli

Sisyphus said:
You get the same for 2 ** 33 (and larger powers). Is this reliable, defined
behaviour ? Or is it machine dependent ? Or is it just plain undefined
behaviour ? I'm a little curious as to where the documentation is.

perldoc perlnumber
Yes - but shouldn't this be spelled out clearly in the perl docs ? (I would
think it *is* spelled out clearly in the perl documentation .... somewhere
.... though I can't find it .)

In perldoc perlnumber, it lists the six possible conversions (involving
to and from decimal strings, native integers, and native floats). I
believe the second rule listed applies:

"If the source number is outside of the limits representable in the
target form, a representation of the closest limit is used. (Loss of

The source number in this case (2 ** 33) is outside the limits
representable in the target form (native integer, as we specifically
requested an integer format in the sprintf9)), and so the
representation of the closest limit (2 ** 32 - 1) is used.

Paul Lalli

Ilya Zakharevich

[A complimentary Cc of this posting was sent to
Eric J. Roode
Why would the buffer overflow? I thought if you did arithmetic that was
too big to fit into an integer, perl automagically promoted the number to a

perldoc perlnumber

(the situation is exactly the opposite than what you suggest; the
"default mode of operation" should be thought of as floating-point,
with demoting to integer when needed - e.g., for bitwise operations).


In perldoc perlnumber, it lists the six possible conversions (involving
to and from decimal strings, native integers, and native floats). I
believe the second rule listed applies:

"If the source number is outside of the limits representable in the
target form, a representation of the closest limit is used. (Loss of

The source number in this case (2 ** 33) is outside the limits
representable in the target form (native integer, as we specifically
requested an integer format in the sprintf9)), and so the
representation of the closest limit (2 ** 32 - 1) is used.

That explains why 'printf("%b", 2 ** 32)' produces the output it does ...
but it's still not glaringly obvious (to me) that 2 & (2**32) is going to
produce '2'.

I also found in 'perldoc perlnumber':

Bitwise operators
Arguments are forced into the integer format if not strings.

I guess that if one understands that "integer format" means an integer in
the range -2**31..2**32-1(on 32-bit machines) and if one bears in mind the
"second rule" quoted above by Paul, then one would deduce that 2 & (2**32)
is going to be '2' .... if one is clever enough to make deductions :)

I thought this was documented more transparently somewhere ... but perhaps
it isn't.

Anyway, I don't really want to carry on about it as it's not such a *huge*
deal. Thanks Paul, for reminding me that 'perldoc perlnumber' has useful
information - especially concerning numbers :)


Big and Blue

Sisyphus said:
You get the same for 2 ** 33 (and larger powers). Is this reliable, defined
behaviour ?

Yes. Others have given the references.
Or is it machine dependent ?

I depends on the way perl was built, rather than the machine. eg: you
can happily run a Perl compiled for i586 (32-bit ints) on a 64-bit AMD64
Linux system, and it will produce a string of 1's. On the same system the
"native" pewrl (64-bit ints) produces 100000000000000000000000000000000.

So it depends on the target machine of the build rather than the
machine which happens to be running it.

That explains why 'printf("%b", 2 ** 32)' produces the output it does ...
but it's still not glaringly obvious (to me) that 2 & (2**32) is going to
produce '2'.

Why not? It's been shown that 2**32 is a string of 32 1's. If you AND
this with 10, why do you expect anything other than 10 as a result?

Eric J. Roode

Why not? It's been shown that 2**32 is a string of 32 1's.

It has?


Bill Ricker N1VUX

"Eric J. Roode" replied to:

Well, not mathematically.

But it has been shown that that is what happens, rather too often for
mathematical comfort.

Prior poster said -- not quoted by Eric --
] > Yes. Others have given the references.

the references are
perldoc perlop
perldoc perlnumber

In that large portion of the universe using Perl in the typically default
32-bit configuration, yes. In BIGINTs or 64-bit-Int Perl, no.

In machine language, requesting 2**32 in an INT32 gets you -1 (32 1's) (unless
you have a machine other than two's complement).

You could use the pragma "use bignum;" to make all your numbers mathematically
correct on any platform, but that is invasively contagiously expensive like $'
see YAPAC 2005

When coerced to an integer, the Floatingpoint value 2 ** ( $INTSIZE + 1 )
wraps around to -1 (instead of raising an error as Ada programmers might
expect, or whatever else one might conjecture). It may be a float and (almost
or exactly) correct until then, but when coerced, it's gone. And Bit
operations pretty much force integer coercion. (If you want to bit-bang on
the floating point representation, you'll need to pack/unpack or other
marshalling hacks. But that's better done with Inline::C or Inline::Fortran

If you've built Perl with 64-bit ints on your platform, 2**32 is a string of
one 1 and 32 0's as it ought to be, but they won't fit in a 32-bit int. (If
you some how built Perl on a 36 bit machine, it would probably work there too,
but there aren't many DEC10's or MULTICs or Lisp Machines left.)

(If you need 64-bit Perl on 32-bit MS Windows, you can try Cygwin's
Gnu-for-Windows kit. It won't run as fast as on 64-bit hardware, but hey, at
least it's not BIGNUM slow. If your 686 is fast enough, it may be faster than
my slow old Alpha with 64bit Perl native.)



Bill Ricker N1VUX:
See <
"If the source number is outside of the limits representable in the
target form, a representation of the closest limit is used. (Loss of

The source number in this case (2 ** 33) is outside the limits
[...] so the
representation of the closest limit (2 ** 32 - 1) is used.

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