I've defined an ObjectDataSource against a dataset, and I can bind the
ObjectDataSource's members to data controls.
I'm wondering how to take the values in an ObjectDataSource and
programmatically manipulate them before they're bound to any data control.
I'd be using them almost like you'd use recordset fields from Classic ADO.
In other words, I would like to grab the value corresponding to a
publication date from my database, use the date information to build a path
as part of some string manipulation, and then use my manipulated string to
help build the web page. The anologue for what I'm trying to do in Classic
ADO/Classic ASP would be something like:
yearFolder = ("http://whatever.com/site/images/newsreleases/" &
year(rsArticleText.Fields.Item("Con_PubDate").Value) & "/")
monthFolder = yearFolder &
monthname(month(rsArticleText.Fields.Item("Con_PubDate").Value)) & "/"
Any help out there? Thanks very much.
ObjectDataSource's members to data controls.
I'm wondering how to take the values in an ObjectDataSource and
programmatically manipulate them before they're bound to any data control.
I'd be using them almost like you'd use recordset fields from Classic ADO.
In other words, I would like to grab the value corresponding to a
publication date from my database, use the date information to build a path
as part of some string manipulation, and then use my manipulated string to
help build the web page. The anologue for what I'm trying to do in Classic
ADO/Classic ASP would be something like:
yearFolder = ("http://whatever.com/site/images/newsreleases/" &
year(rsArticleText.Fields.Item("Con_PubDate").Value) & "/")
monthFolder = yearFolder &
monthname(month(rsArticleText.Fields.Item("Con_PubDate").Value)) & "/"
Any help out there? Thanks very much.