It's not good form to rely on the subject of the message to ask
your question. Repeat the question in the body of the message:
have any relate module ??
Not that I'm aware of.
Here's a raw socket demo that sends and receives raw Ethernet
packets using protocol number 0x55aa on interface eth1. The
file is available at <>.
Last time I looked, the socket module supported raw sockets
under Linux only.
import sys
import string
import struct
from socket import *
proto = 0x55aa
s = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, proto)
ifName,ifProto,pktType,hwType,hwAddr = s.getsockname()
srcAddr = hwAddr
dstAddr = "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06"
ethData = "here is some data for an ethernet packet"
txFrame = struct.pack("!6s6sh",dstAddr,srcAddr,proto) + ethData
print "Tx[%d]: "%len(ethData) + string.join(["%02x"%ord(b) for b in ethData]," ")
rxFrame = s.recv(2048)
dstAddr,srcAddr,proto = struct.unpack("!6s6sh",rxFrame[:14])
ethData = rxFrame[14:]
print "Rx[%d]: "%len(ethData) + string.join(["%02x"%ord(b) for b in ethData]," ")