depending on how youb process the rows. Assuming you loop them all through
when update button is clicked. You could just iterate
For Each row As GridViewRow in GridView1.Rows
Dim cbDelete As CheckBox = DirectCast(row.FindControl("CheckBox1"),
' Accessing text in first Cell
Dim strText As String = row.Cells(0).Text
'Do update etc for the row
E.g you can access the entire row via the GridViewRow (same principle
applies if you do update on the row straight). If you have normal
BoundFields, then it's probably Text you are looking from them. You could
also use TemplateField's with Literals etc, when you could locate them with
FindControl similarly how I've done with CB. This has the advantage, than
chaging order of columns doesn't need changes to the code accessing the data
8since it is order-independant when using child controls with FindControl)