How to run ./script/generate rx_config ?


Sira PS

I'm a newbie and i'm working follow this link

But I stuck on the step run ./script/generate rx_config. I don't know
how can I run it. I tried to go to the path of folder script and typed
generate rx_cofig on command line but it doesn't work.

C:\Data\Workspace\rx_model_attachments\script>generate rx_config

I got the error 'generate' is not recognized as an internal or external
command, operable program or batch file.

Anyone can tell me step by step of doing this. Big thanks!

7stud --

Sira PS wrote in post #994846:
I'm a newbie and i'm working follow this link

But I stuck on the step run ./script/generate rx_config. I don't know
how can I run it. I tried to go to the path of folder script and typed
generate rx_cofig on command line but it doesn't work.

C:\Data\Workspace\rx_model_attachments\script>generate rx_config

I got the error 'generate' is not recognized as an internal or external
command, operable program or batch file.

Anyone can tell me step by step of doing this. Big thanks!

C:\ruby\> rails demo.

Now go into demo application root directory as follows:

C:\ruby\> cd demo
C:\ruby\demo> dir

You will find a directory structure as follows:


Sira PS

I open the command line by right click on project and select command
line shell. So the directory is already indicated to root of project.

And I also tried to type ./script/generate rx_config on the command line
but it has the error.
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external
command, operable program or batch file.

7stud --

Sira PS wrote in post #995028:
I open the command line by right click on project and select command
line shell.

How about trying to open a command line(window?) manually?

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