Here are the hints you need:
You will not have the FormPostCollection and FormPostItem objects.
These are simple objects. the FormPostItem basically has the key and
you want to post.
FormPostCollection is a implemented CollectionBase, which keeps a
of FormPostItems
However, minus that, you can figure out what is going on.
This took me about 3 days to figure out (the GET and querystring was easy,
the form/post was the tough one).
So post a "thank you" for this one.
I got the code for everything outside of the FORM/POST part from another
developer, but the form/post stuff was what I Figured out in the equation.
public void WriteTextFile(string Url, string FilePath, long BufferSize )
//create a web request
HttpWebRequest oHttpWebRequest = null;
oHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest) System.Net.WebRequest.Create(Url);
//set the connection timeout
oHttpWebRequest.Timeout = 100;//m_ConnectTimeout;
this.postDataToHttpWebRequest ( oHttpWebRequest ,
myCollectionOfFormPostValues );
//create a response object that we can read a stream from
HttpWebResponse oHttpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)
long workingbuffersize = 1;
//if we don't get back anything from the response, throw and exception
if (oHttpResponse == null)
throw new Exception("Url is missing or invalid.");
//Define the encoding type
//see if the page will give us back an encoding type
if (oHttpResponse.ContentEncoding.Length > 0)
m_enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(oHttpResponse.ContentEncoding);
m_enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
// *** Invalid encoding passed
m_enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
//create a stream reader grabbing text we get over HTTP
StreamReader sr = new
//set the variable that we will use as a buffer to store characters in
while the file is downloading
char[] DownloadedCharChunk = new char[BufferSize];
//go ahead and create our streamwriter to write our file
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FilePath,false,m_enc);
sw.AutoFlush = false;
//when the working buffer size hits 0 then we know that the file has
finished downloading
while (workingbuffersize > 0)
//set the working buffer size based on the length of characters we
receive from the stream
//we will also set DownloadedCharChunk to the set of characters we
recieve from the stream
workingbuffersize = sr.Read(DownloadedCharChunk,0,(int) BufferSize);
if (workingbuffersize > 0)
//write DownloadedCharChunk to the file on disk
sw.Write(DownloadedCharChunk,0,(int) workingbuffersize );
} // while
catch(Exception e)
throw e;
private string buildPostString ( FormPostCollection formPostCollec)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (FormPostItem fpi in formPostCollec)
//string postValue = Encode(Request.Form(postKey));
sb.Append( string.Format("{0}={1}&", fpi.Key , fpi.Value ));
return sb.ToString();
private void postDataToHttpWebRequest ( HttpWebRequest webRequest ,
Collections.FormPostCollection formPostCollec)
if (null != formPostCollec )
ASCIIEncoding encoding=new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(this.buildPostString(formPostCollec));
webRequest.Method = "POST";
//oHttpWebRequest.ContentType = "text/xml";//Does Not Work
webRequest.ContentLength = data.Length;
Stream newStream=webRequest.GetRequestStream();
// Send the data.
Swanand Mokashi said:
Hi all --
I would like to create an application(call it Application "A") that I would
like to mimic exactly as a form on a foreign system (Application "F").
Application "F" is on the web (so basically I can not control it). I will
have a form exactly on Application "A" as that of Application "F".
Application "A" will submit to the url of the application "F". I would like
to do a screen scrape of the confirmation obtained after submitting the form
on application "F".
I can easily do the screen scraping of a static page but am not sure how to
screen scrape a form result ?
Any ideas?