Chris Mattern (
[email protected]) wrote:
: Anno Siegel wrote:
: >
: >>: >>
: >>>Jim Anderson wrote:
: >>>
: >>>>What's the best way to get a list of all the installed modules?
: >>>
: >>>That's a FAQ.
: >>>
: >>> perldoc -q installed
: >>
: >>Unfortunately, this just tells me that there's no doc for 'installed'.
: >
: >
: > Ah... you're running an older Perl. The FAQ suggests to use the
: > ExtUtils::Installed module. Another possibility is "perldoc perllocal".
: > That lists all modules that were properly installed through CPAN.
: My perl is 5.8.0, installed just a few months ago. perldocs cannot
: find any FAQ with the keyword "installed". It's beginning to look
: like this FAQ was recently *removed* for some reason.
perldoc -q installed
It isn't in perl 5.005 or perl 5.6.1 either, on several systems I just
(An admittedly small number of) Google postings from the past show various
answers but make no reference to any faq entry to answer the question.
This has certainly been a "Frequently Asked Question", but it doesn't look
like it was a "Fully Answered Question" until very recently.
And for any number of production systems that require enhanced stability
over enhanced but-for-them-unused-features, this will continue to be a
"Frequently Annoying Quandry".