Stanislav Sidristij
I have an idea (program, that uses Ruby interpreter). And I dont know
how to use Ruby interpreter in my program. I looking for manuals (but I
dont know English very well and I cannot find information about this) or
ideas how can I do this. If you can, please, write: is it possible to
use Ruby as DLL in my program? How can I call interpreter functions and
how can I set (and get) variables values. And is correct to use Ruby as
DLL in commercial program?
Russian programmer
how to use Ruby interpreter in my program. I looking for manuals (but I
dont know English very well and I cannot find information about this) or
ideas how can I do this. If you can, please, write: is it possible to
use Ruby as DLL in my program? How can I call interpreter functions and
how can I set (and get) variables values. And is correct to use Ruby as
DLL in commercial program?
Russian programmer