How would I use JS to get this value?




On my HTML page, I have a number of SPANs like

<span class="myNumber">3</span>

What I would like is a way to return the maximum number in between the
SPANs. You can assume that if I have an HTML block like the above, I
will also have

<span class="prescriptionNumber">1</span>
<span class="prescriptionNumber">2</span>

somewhere on my page before it.

Thanks for your help, - Dave


laredotornado wrote on 03 aug 2008 in comp.lang.javascript:

On my HTML page, I have a number of SPANs like

<span class="myNumber">3</span>

What I would like is a way to return the maximum number in between the
SPANs. You can assume that if I have an HTML block like the above, I
will also have

<span class="prescriptionNumber">1</span>
<span class="prescriptionNumber">2</span>

"returning the maximum number in between the SPANs."

What is a "maximum number in between"?
somewhere on my page before it.

Before what it?

Gregor Kofler

laredotornado meinte:

On my HTML page, I have a number of SPANs like

<span class="myNumber">3</span>

What I would like is a way to return the maximum number in between the
SPANs. You can assume that if I have an HTML block like the above, I
will also have

<span class="prescriptionNumber">1</span>
<span class="prescriptionNumber">2</span>

somewhere on my page before it.

(1) Get collection of all spans with className "prescription".
(2) Collect the first childNode of all those spans.
(3) convert the nodeValues of those childNodes to numbers (if needed).
(4) search highest value of those numbers.




(1) Get collection of all spans with className "prescription".
(2) Collect the first childNode of all those spans.
(3) convert the nodeValues of those childNodes to numbers (if needed).
(4) search highest value of those numbers.


-- Landschafts- und Reisefotografie ::: meine JS-Spielwiese     ::: Bildagentur für den alpinen Raum

Thanks. How do I 'Get collection of all spans with className
"prescription"'? - Dave

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

laredotornado said:
On my HTML page, I have a number of SPANs like
<span class="myNumber">3</span>
What I would like is a way to return the maximum number in between the
SPANs. You can assume that if I have an HTML block like the above, I
will also have
<span class="prescriptionNumber">1</span>
<span class="prescriptionNumber">2</span>
somewhere on my page before it.
(1) Get collection of all spans with className "prescription".
(2) Collect the first childNode of all those spans.
(3) convert the nodeValues of those childNodes to numbers (if needed).
(4) search highest value of those numbers.

Thanks. How do I 'Get collection of all spans with className

Google is your friend.


Lasse Reichstein Nielsen

laredotornado said:
Thanks. How do I 'Get collection of all spans with className

There is no single method that does that, so you have to write a
function yourself.
In this case, since you are only looking for "span" elements,
you could use document.getElementsByTagName to get all span
elements in the document, and then run through that and operate
on those with a "className" property containing "prescription".

function getPrescriptions() {
var ps = [];
var spans = document.body.getElementsByTagName("span");
for(var i = 0, n = spans.length; i < n; i++) {
var sp = spans;
if (/\bprescription\b/.test(sp.className)) {
return ps;

Good luck

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