Hi all! I'm writting a web application using IIS and Python. I would
like to have the Python equvalient of the PHP functions 'htmlentities'
and 'htmlspecialchars'. E.g. to convert
a' >>>> aacute;
õ >>>> otilde;
and the others. I looked for them in many libraries (urllib, htmllib,
urlparse etc.) but I could only find the 'urlencode' function. I could
not find anything on google ('python htmlentities equvalent'). Please
help me find it out. Thanks in advance.
like to have the Python equvalient of the PHP functions 'htmlentities'
and 'htmlspecialchars'. E.g. to convert
a' >>>> aacute;
õ >>>> otilde;
and the others. I looked for them in many libraries (urllib, htmllib,
urlparse etc.) but I could only find the 'urlencode' function. I could
not find anything on google ('python htmlentities equvalent'). Please
help me find it out. Thanks in advance.