Garry Freemyer
I've been fighting this for three months, I'm in tears! Please help if you
Problem .... Users need to be able to upload multiple files.
Solution: Created a control that dynamically creates html input controls,
and a description text box as well equal to the number of files they want to
upload at a time.
Things work except its flakey ... sometimes it pretends nothing was uploaded
and I got to refresh the page many times to get the files to show.
Showstopper 1: If the user types stuff in the file path instead of using the
browse button, the files will not start uploading if the content is not a
valid path to a file.
Solution tried Set the attribute of the control to readonly. Failed because
it won't browse - click on the browse button and nothing happens.
I tried validation, using a RegularExpressionValidator and it works if I
demand that the value in the text box part of the control be an email and
use one of my regexes for that it works fine, but if I change it to the
regex below, it appears to accept everything!
I'm out of time and I'm out of ideas.
Here is my regex .....
Public Const RegexForFileUpload =
Here is the function that creates the dynamic file upload stuff ...
Private Sub DynamicallyGenerateUpload()
Dim table As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table =
CType(FindControl("TestTable"), Table)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To PhotoCount
Dim tableRow As TableRow = New TableRow
Dim PreListingCheckBox As New CheckBox
PreListingCheckBox.Text = "This is a PRE-LISTING IMAGE"
Dim htmlFile As HtmlInputFile = New HtmlInputFile
htmlFile.MaxLength = consts.MaxImageUploadSize
htmlFile.Accept = "image/*" ' accept any image type file.
htmlFile.ID = "htmlFile" & i
'htmlFile.Attributes.Add("ReadOnly", "true")
Dim tableCell As New TableCell
' Add in a regex validator.
Dim rev As RegularExpressionValidator = New RegularExpressionValidator
rev.ControlToValidate = htmlFile.ClientID
rev.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic
rev.Enabled = True
rev.Text = "Invalid Path"
rev.ErrorMessage = "Invalid Path"
rev.ValidationExpression = consts.RegexForFileUpload
rev.EnableClientScript = True
rev.Visible = True
rev.ID = "rev" & i
' End of regex validator
' tableCell.Controls.Add(labelWarning)
Dim labelDesc As Label = New Label
labelDesc.Text = "Description:"
labelDesc.BackColor = Color.White
Dim txtDesc As TextBox = New TextBox
txtDesc.Style.Item("Width") = "300px"
txtDesc.Style.Item("Height") = "30px"
txtDesc.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine
txtDesc.BackColor = Color.Yellow
txtDesc.ID = "txtDesc" & i
'txtDesc.Attributes.Add("CausesValidation", "true")
If ShowPreListingCheckBox Then
End If
' Row
'Dim radSpell As Telerik.WebControls.RadSpell = New
'radSpell.ID = "radSpell" & i
'radSpell.IsClientID = False
'radSpell.ControlToCheck = txtDesc.ID
'radSpell.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(80)
Next i
End Sub
Problem .... Users need to be able to upload multiple files.
Solution: Created a control that dynamically creates html input controls,
and a description text box as well equal to the number of files they want to
upload at a time.
Things work except its flakey ... sometimes it pretends nothing was uploaded
and I got to refresh the page many times to get the files to show.
Showstopper 1: If the user types stuff in the file path instead of using the
browse button, the files will not start uploading if the content is not a
valid path to a file.
Solution tried Set the attribute of the control to readonly. Failed because
it won't browse - click on the browse button and nothing happens.
I tried validation, using a RegularExpressionValidator and it works if I
demand that the value in the text box part of the control be an email and
use one of my regexes for that it works fine, but if I change it to the
regex below, it appears to accept everything!
I'm out of time and I'm out of ideas.
Here is my regex .....
Public Const RegexForFileUpload =
Here is the function that creates the dynamic file upload stuff ...
Private Sub DynamicallyGenerateUpload()
Dim table As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table =
CType(FindControl("TestTable"), Table)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To PhotoCount
Dim tableRow As TableRow = New TableRow
Dim PreListingCheckBox As New CheckBox
PreListingCheckBox.Text = "This is a PRE-LISTING IMAGE"
Dim htmlFile As HtmlInputFile = New HtmlInputFile
htmlFile.MaxLength = consts.MaxImageUploadSize
htmlFile.Accept = "image/*" ' accept any image type file.
htmlFile.ID = "htmlFile" & i
'htmlFile.Attributes.Add("ReadOnly", "true")
Dim tableCell As New TableCell
' Add in a regex validator.
Dim rev As RegularExpressionValidator = New RegularExpressionValidator
rev.ControlToValidate = htmlFile.ClientID
rev.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic
rev.Enabled = True
rev.Text = "Invalid Path"
rev.ErrorMessage = "Invalid Path"
rev.ValidationExpression = consts.RegexForFileUpload
rev.EnableClientScript = True
rev.Visible = True
rev.ID = "rev" & i
' End of regex validator
' tableCell.Controls.Add(labelWarning)
Dim labelDesc As Label = New Label
labelDesc.Text = "Description:"
labelDesc.BackColor = Color.White
Dim txtDesc As TextBox = New TextBox
txtDesc.Style.Item("Width") = "300px"
txtDesc.Style.Item("Height") = "30px"
txtDesc.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine
txtDesc.BackColor = Color.Yellow
txtDesc.ID = "txtDesc" & i
'txtDesc.Attributes.Add("CausesValidation", "true")
If ShowPreListingCheckBox Then
End If
' Row
'Dim radSpell As Telerik.WebControls.RadSpell = New
'radSpell.ID = "radSpell" & i
'radSpell.IsClientID = False
'radSpell.ControlToCheck = txtDesc.ID
'radSpell.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(80)
Next i
End Sub