I am trying to replace cookies with the new "Asp.net 2.0 profiles" in
my shopping cart application, but I am having trouble to access profile
properties using HttpContext.Current.Profile. I can access any other
property property of this class from a regular aspx page, but not from
inside the class itself.
This is the piece of the code that I am trying to get to work which can
also be located at the bottom of the page, but so far just weariness.
Any help at this point would be really appreciated.
HttpContext.Current.Profile.CurrentBasketInfo.CartItems = dtSession;
<profile defaultProvider="SqlProvider">
<add name="SqlProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider"
connectionStringName="myconnection" applicationName="/"
description="SqlProfileProvider for SampleApplication"/>
<add name="Name"/>
<add name="SelectedShippingAddress" type="MyCart.Address"/>
<add name="CurrentBasketInfo" type="MyCart.Basket"/>
namespace MyCart
public class Basket: Product
private Address _ShippingAddress;
public Address SelectedShippingAddress
get { return _ShippingAddress; }
set { _ShippingAddress = value; }
private Contacts _ContactAddress;
public Contacts ContactAddress
get { return _ContactAddress; }
set { _ContactAddress = value; }
private string _CreditCardType;
public string CreditCardType
get { return _CreditCardType; }
set { _CreditCardType = value; }
private string _CreditCardNumber;
public string CreditCardNumber
get { return _CreditCardNumber; }
set { _CreditCardNumber = value; }
private string _CreditCardExpirationDate;
public string CreditCardExpirationDate
get { return _CreditCardExpirationDate; }
set { _CreditCardExpirationDate = value; }
private string _POnumber;
public string POnumber
get { return _POnumber; }
set { _POnumber = value; }
private string _BasketItems;
public string BasketItems
get { return _BasketItems; }
set { _BasketItems = value; }
private string _total;
public string total
get { return _total; }
set { _total = value; }
private DataTable _CartItems;
public DataTable CartItems
get { return _CartItems; }
set { _CartItems = value; }
public void AddItemToBasket(string item_sku, int qty)
// Checks new item Information in Database
string sql = "select * from product where item_sku='" + item_sku + "'";
SqlDataReader r = SqlServer.SearchSQL(sql, "myconnection");
// Gets Current Basket Session DataTable
DataTable dtSession = (DataTable)HttpContext.Current.Session["basket"];
if (r.Read())
if (dtSession!=null) {
DataView dv = new DataView(dtSession);
dv.Sort = "item_sku";
if (dv.Find(item_sku) == -1)
DataRow dr = dtSession.NewRow();
dr["key"] = r["product_uid"].ToString();
dr["item_sku"] = r["item_sku"].ToString();
dr["short_desc"] = r["short_desc"].ToString();
dr["qty"] = qty;
dr["price"] = r["price"].ToString();
dr["weight"] = r["weight"].ToString();
dr["weight_unit"] = r["unit_uid"].ToString();
dtSession.Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0);
// Writes Cookies
WriteBasketCookies(dtSession); // b= basket cookie
HttpContext.Current.Profile.CurrentBasketInfo.CartItems =
// Adds basket to DataTable Session Variable
HttpContext.Current.Session["basket"] = dtSession;
Thanks Rod
my shopping cart application, but I am having trouble to access profile
properties using HttpContext.Current.Profile. I can access any other
property property of this class from a regular aspx page, but not from
inside the class itself.
This is the piece of the code that I am trying to get to work which can
also be located at the bottom of the page, but so far just weariness.
Any help at this point would be really appreciated.
HttpContext.Current.Profile.CurrentBasketInfo.CartItems = dtSession;
<profile defaultProvider="SqlProvider">
<add name="SqlProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider"
connectionStringName="myconnection" applicationName="/"
description="SqlProfileProvider for SampleApplication"/>
<add name="Name"/>
<add name="SelectedShippingAddress" type="MyCart.Address"/>
<add name="CurrentBasketInfo" type="MyCart.Basket"/>
namespace MyCart
public class Basket: Product
private Address _ShippingAddress;
public Address SelectedShippingAddress
get { return _ShippingAddress; }
set { _ShippingAddress = value; }
private Contacts _ContactAddress;
public Contacts ContactAddress
get { return _ContactAddress; }
set { _ContactAddress = value; }
private string _CreditCardType;
public string CreditCardType
get { return _CreditCardType; }
set { _CreditCardType = value; }
private string _CreditCardNumber;
public string CreditCardNumber
get { return _CreditCardNumber; }
set { _CreditCardNumber = value; }
private string _CreditCardExpirationDate;
public string CreditCardExpirationDate
get { return _CreditCardExpirationDate; }
set { _CreditCardExpirationDate = value; }
private string _POnumber;
public string POnumber
get { return _POnumber; }
set { _POnumber = value; }
private string _BasketItems;
public string BasketItems
get { return _BasketItems; }
set { _BasketItems = value; }
private string _total;
public string total
get { return _total; }
set { _total = value; }
private DataTable _CartItems;
public DataTable CartItems
get { return _CartItems; }
set { _CartItems = value; }
public void AddItemToBasket(string item_sku, int qty)
// Checks new item Information in Database
string sql = "select * from product where item_sku='" + item_sku + "'";
SqlDataReader r = SqlServer.SearchSQL(sql, "myconnection");
// Gets Current Basket Session DataTable
DataTable dtSession = (DataTable)HttpContext.Current.Session["basket"];
if (r.Read())
if (dtSession!=null) {
DataView dv = new DataView(dtSession);
dv.Sort = "item_sku";
if (dv.Find(item_sku) == -1)
DataRow dr = dtSession.NewRow();
dr["key"] = r["product_uid"].ToString();
dr["item_sku"] = r["item_sku"].ToString();
dr["short_desc"] = r["short_desc"].ToString();
dr["qty"] = qty;
dr["price"] = r["price"].ToString();
dr["weight"] = r["weight"].ToString();
dr["weight_unit"] = r["unit_uid"].ToString();
dtSession.Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0);
// Writes Cookies
WriteBasketCookies(dtSession); // b= basket cookie
HttpContext.Current.Profile.CurrentBasketInfo.CartItems =
// Adds basket to DataTable Session Variable
HttpContext.Current.Session["basket"] = dtSession;
Thanks Rod