I use the following code in an aspx file to read the file name which I am
uploading from the client PC onto the server;
Dim MyFileName As String
Dim MyFileColl As HttpFileCollection = Request.Files
MyFileName = MyFileColl.Item(0).FileName
or (alos tried)
Dim PostFile As System.Web.HttpPostedFile
For Each MyFile In Request.Files.AllKeys
PostFile = Request.Files(MyFile)
MyFileName = PostFile.FileName
Next MyFile
The MyFilename in both cases is simply the file name ("text.txt"). I want
the fully qualified path and name of the file ("c:\temp\text.txt") from the
client PC. The documentation says this is what I should be getting but I
don't? Does anyone know why I am not getting the fully qualified name of the
uploaded file? Thank You.
uploading from the client PC onto the server;
Dim MyFileName As String
Dim MyFileColl As HttpFileCollection = Request.Files
MyFileName = MyFileColl.Item(0).FileName
or (alos tried)
Dim PostFile As System.Web.HttpPostedFile
For Each MyFile In Request.Files.AllKeys
PostFile = Request.Files(MyFile)
MyFileName = PostFile.FileName
Next MyFile
The MyFilename in both cases is simply the file name ("text.txt"). I want
the fully qualified path and name of the file ("c:\temp\text.txt") from the
client PC. The documentation says this is what I should be getting but I
don't? Does anyone know why I am not getting the fully qualified name of the
uploaded file? Thank You.