Priya said:
Yes that is exactly what I am trying to do-pass ^^^^^^^
a username/password to an existing site, so it would automatically log me
Where "me" is really you, from a local (file://) site on your local system
connected to the Internet, in a Web browser?
Can I find some documentation online,
Yes? (That is not a question either.)
And therefore not required to use your brain before posting?
so any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all the info.
To do this, I had created a bookmarklet that uses the `javascript:' scheme
to generate a document that duplicates the form usually used to log in to
the service (with the exception of the `action' attribute, which value must
contain the full URL) that submits itself:
javascript:'<!DOCTYPE html ...><html>...<body
onload="document.forms[0].submit()"><form action="
It could be rewritten accepting parameters (such as username, password, and
site), or be reused to write a script for any Web site (the Same Origin
Policy does not apply then) that uses DOM scripting to append and submit the
form. If you use the bookmarklet and the login data is hard-coded, you
should make sure that the bookmarks file cannot be accessed by unauthorized
Chances are that the original login form used by the service uses POST, so
you will have to use a form or XHR anyway. A simple link would not suffice,
and it would probably be off-topic here anyway (no scripting necessarily