I am looking for a way to create hyperlinks between worksheets
within current workboard. POI that I am using supports this
functionality throw cellFunction("HYPERLINK...")
The format of hyperlink [workboardName]worksheet!cell is the
only option suitable for my needs. The only problem is a workboardname.
If user saves a file on a filesystem, so a workboard
name is a file name, that application generates. Hyperlink works fine
in this case.
But when user chooses to open the document, generated by servlet,
the name is changed with depend on number of versions in the
"temporary files", so a file name changes from "reportXXXX.xls"
to "reportXXXX[1..X].xls" and hyperlink does not work.
Is there any way to detect/set a current workboard name ?
Is any other Java-Excel api supports hyperlinks creation ?
Thanks in advance
within current workboard. POI that I am using supports this
functionality throw cellFunction("HYPERLINK...")
The format of hyperlink [workboardName]worksheet!cell is the
only option suitable for my needs. The only problem is a workboardname.
If user saves a file on a filesystem, so a workboard
name is a file name, that application generates. Hyperlink works fine
in this case.
But when user chooses to open the document, generated by servlet,
the name is changed with depend on number of versions in the
"temporary files", so a file name changes from "reportXXXX.xls"
to "reportXXXX[1..X].xls" and hyperlink does not work.
Is there any way to detect/set a current workboard name ?
Is any other Java-Excel api supports hyperlinks creation ?
Thanks in advance