A. Name
Someone please help me. This servlet is working when deployed in
tomcat in IE, but not in Netscape
// import java libraries
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
// import servlet libraries
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
// servlet implementation of Photo Personal Web Application Service
public class jopackiH8 extends HttpServlet {
// globals settings
private static String pathToAccount =
private boolean isTrue = true;
private boolean errTrue = false;
private String errorMsg = "";
// begin doGet process to return initial web form
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
throws ServletException, IOException
response.setContentType ("text/html");
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<!--- Joseph Opacki, SWE432, Fall 2003 --->");
out.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
out.println(" <head>");
out.println(" <title>Photo Personal Web Application
out.println(" <style type=\"text/css\">");
out.println(" body, p, td ");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" font-size: 12px;");
out.println(" font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" .title ");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" font-size: 18px;");
out.println(" color: white;");
out.println(" font-weight: bold;");
out.println(" padding-bottom: 10px;");
out.println(" padding-top: 10px;");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" .subtitle");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" font-size: 14px;");
out.println(" color: black;");
out.println(" font-weight: bold;");
out.println(" padding-bottom: 2px;");
out.println(" padding-top: 2px;");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" </style>");
out.println(" <script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">");
out.println(" // my testing in Mozilla has been kind of buggy. Only
worked half of the time");
out.println(" // I've achieved my best results in IE");
out.println(" /* ************************************************
out.println(" / Browser dection to be used throughout javascript /");
out.println(" / *************************************************
out.println(" isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf(\"Mac\")!= -1) ?
true : false");
out.println(" NS4 = (document.layers) ? true : false");
out.println(" IEmac = ((document.all)&&(isMac)) ? true : false");
out.println(" IE4plus = (document.all) ? true : false");
out.println(" IE4 =
((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf(\"MSIE 4.\") != -1)) ?
true : false");
out.println(" IE5 =
((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf(\"MSIE 5.\") != -1)) ?
true : false");
out.println(" ver4 = (NS4 || IE4plus) ? true : false");
out.println(" NS6 = (!document.layers) &&
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Netscape') != -1)?true:false");
out.println(" /* *********************************************************
out.println(" / Body onload utility (supports multiple onload
functions) /");
out.println(" / *********************************************************
out.println(" var gSafeOnload = new Array()");
out.println(" function SafeAddOnload(f)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" if (IEmac && IE4) // IE 4.5 blows out on testing
out.println(" {");
out.println(" window.onload = SafeOnload");
out.println(" gSafeOnload[gSafeOnload.length] = f");
out.println(" } else if (window.onload)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" if (window.onload != SafeOnload)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" gSafeOnload[0] = window.onload");
out.println(" window.onload = SafeOnload");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" gSafeOnload[gSafeOnload.length] = f");
out.println(" } else");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" window.onload = f");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function SafeOnload()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" for (var i = 0; i < gSafeOnload.length; i++)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" gSafeOnload()");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" /* ***************************** /");
out.println(" / Main Dynamic Form Functions /");
out.println(" / ***************************** */");
out.println(" // these arrays holds our form values when we need to
regenerate the forms");
out.println(" var photoURLFieldValues = new Array(1)");
out.println(" var photoCaptionFieldValues = new Array(1)");
out.println(" for (var i = 0; i < photoURLFieldValues.length; i++)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" // the length of these two fields should always be the
out.println(" photoURLFieldValues = \"\"");
out.println(" photoCaptionFieldValues = \"\"");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function GetFormHTML()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" var htmlStr = ''");
out.println(" htmlStr += '<table width=\"100%\">'");
out.println(" for (var i = 0; i < photoURLFieldValues.length; i++)
// the length of both should always be the same");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" htmlStr += '<tr><td width=\"15\"><b>' + (i+1) +
'</b></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><input type=\"text\"
name=\"photoURL\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"250\" title=\"Use this form
to input the location of your photo.\" value=\"' +
photoURLFieldValues + '\"></td><td> </td><td
align=\"left\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"photoCaption\" size=\"50\"
title=\"Use this form to enter the catption information for your
photo.\" value=\"' + photoCaptionFieldValues + '\"></td></tr>'");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" htmlStr += '</table>'");
out.println(" return htmlStr");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function GetFormObj()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" var returnObj = null");
out.println(" if (NS4)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" returnObj = document.formlayer.document.pwasEntry");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" else if (NS6)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" returnObj =
out.println(" } else");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" returnObj = document.pwasEntry");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" return returnObj");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function AddField()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" // Save previously entered data here");
out.println(" var formObj = GetFormObj()");
out.println(" for (var i = 0;i < photoURLFieldValues.length; i++)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" if (photoURLFieldValues.length > 1)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" photoCaptionFieldValues=
out.println(" photoURLFieldValues= formObj.photoURL.value");
out.println(" } else ");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" photoCaptionFieldValues =
out.println(" photoURLFieldValues= formObj.photoURL.value");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" // activate default index image if first time adding
out.println(" // only set it to default if there is no image already
out.println(" if (document.forms[0].indexImage.value == \"\")");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" document.forms[0].indexImage.value =
out.println(" }");
out.println(" // Create the new field");
out.println(" photoURLFieldValues[photoURLFieldValues.length]=\"\"");
out.println(" photoCaptionFieldValues[photoCaptionFieldValues.length]=\"\"");
out.println(" UpdateForm()");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function UpdateForm()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" var htmlStr = GetFormHTML()");
out.println(" if (IE4plus)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" document.all.formlayer.innerHTML = htmlStr");
out.println(" } else if (NS4)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" document.formlayer.document.open()");
out.println(" document.formlayer.document.write(htmlStr)");
out.println(" document.formlayer.document.close()");
out.println(" } else // should cover NS5 and NS6 and Mozilla ");
out.println(" { ");
out.println(" document.getElementById(\"formlayer\").innerHTML =
out.println(" } ");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function IncludeForm()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" var htmlStr = GetFormHTML()");
out.println(" if (IE4plus || NS6)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" document.write('<DIV ID=formlayer name=formlayer
STYLE=\"position:relative; WIDTH=400px; HEIGHT=50px\">' + htmlStr +
out.println(" }");
out.println(" else if (NS4)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" // Because NS needs floating layers, we need a
placeholder graphic to force anything");
out.println(" // below the layer content to leave whitespace for
the layer. The position of this");
out.println(" // graphic is also used in determining the position
of the layer.");
out.println(" document.write('<img name=\"formlocation\"
border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" src=\"clear.gif\">')");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" //");
out.println(" // Netscape 4.x ");
out.println(" //");
out.println(" function HandleOnload()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" if (NS4)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" var width = document.formlocation.width");
out.println(" var height = document.formlocation.height");
out.println(" nL=new Layer(width)");
out.println(" nL.name = \"formlayer\"");
out.println(" nL.left=document.formlocation.x");
out.println(" nL.top=document.formlocation.y");
out.println(" nL.bgColor = \"white\"");
out.println(" nL.clip.width=width");
out.println(" nL.clip.height=height");
out.println(" nL.document.open()");
out.println(" nL.document.write(GetFormHTML())");
out.println(" nL.document.close()");
out.println(" nL.visibility = 'show'");
out.println(" document.formlayer = nL");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function HandleResize()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" location.reload()");
out.println(" return false");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" if (NS4)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" SafeAddOnload(HandleOnload)");
out.println(" window.captureEvents(Event.RESIZE)");
out.println(" window.onresize = HandleResize");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" </script>");
out.println(" </head>");
out.println(" <body>");
out.println(" <div align=\"center\">");
out.println(" <form action=\"jopackiH8\" method=\"post\"
name=\"pwasEntry\" id=\"pwasEntry\">");
out.println(" <table width=\"95%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"
cellpadding=\"10\" bgcolor=\"#f5f5f5\">");
out.println(" <tr bgcolor=\"#4682b4\">");
out.println(" <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"
out.println(" Photo Personal Web Application Service");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td>");
out.println(" <strong>Application description and
out.println(" This application was created by <a
href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">Joseph Opacki</a> for SWE432 in the
Fall 2004 semester at George Mason University. The code to create
this servlet can be ");
out.println(" accessed at <a
Please step through each of the sections below and follow the
instructions in each section ");
out.println(" to create a photographic gallery using Java
// print out the errors if returned to this page with errors
if ( errTrue )
out.println("<p><font color=\"RED\"><strong>The following problems
have been detected:</strong><br>");
out.println( errorMsg );
// reset values for next submit
errorMsg = "";
errTrue = false;
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\">");
out.println(" <td class=\"subtitle\">");
out.println(" Photographic Collection");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td>");
out.println(" <strong>Section Description and
out.println(" Fill in the blanks in the following field being
careful not to leave any of them blank.");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">");
out.println(" <table width=\"540\">");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"right\" nowrap
width=\"100\">Collection Name:</td>");
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\">");
out.println(" <input type=\"text\" name=\"collectionName\"
size=\"50\" maxlength=\"250\" title=\"Use this input field to input a
title for your collection of photographs.\">");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"right\"
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\">");
out.println(" <textarea cols=\"50\" rows=\"3\"
name=\"collectionDescription\" title=\"Use this form to describe the
overall collection of photographs that your are
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"
nowrap>Background Color:</td>");
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\">");
out.println(" <input type=\"text\" name=\"backgroundColor\"
size=\"50\" maxlength=\"6\" title=\"Use this form to input what color
you wish to have represented for the background throughout your
collection of photographs.\"><br>");
out.println(" <span style=\"color: SteelBlue;\">There is no
need to include the <strong>#</strong> sign in your entry.</span>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"right\" nowrap width=\"100\"
valign=\"top\">Index Image:</td>");
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\">");
out.println(" <input type=\"text\" name=\"indexImage\"
size=\"50\" maxlength=\"250\" title=\"Use this form to place an index
image on the entrance page of your photographic collection.\"><br>");
outprintln(" <span style=\"color: SteelBlue;\">The index
image will default to your first photo if you do not choose
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" </table>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\">");
out.println(" <td class=\"subtitle\">");
out.println(" Individual Photos");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td>");
out.println(" <strong>Section Description and
out.println(" <font color=\"red\">Please note that you must
enter at least two photographs for this application to work
out.println(" </font> Start by entering the URL location of
each of your photographs followed by a small caption. When ready,
click the button to add a new row.");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">");
out.println(" <table width=\"540\">");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\" nowrap
width=\"49%\"><strong>Photo Location</strong></td>");
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\"><strong>Photo
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td colspan=\"3\">");
out.println(" <script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">");
out.println(" IncludeForm();");
out.println(" </script>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td colspan=\"3\">");
out.println(" <table width=\"95%\">");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><input
type=\"button\" value=\"Add Another\" onClick=\"AddField()\"></td>");
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\">");
out.println(" Click the \"Add\" button to add new photos
to your repository. The list in your current repository will list
below with each photograph's information.");
out.println(" <span style=\"color: SteelBlue;\">You may
continue to add photos until you are ready to finalize your
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" </table>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" </table>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\">");
out.println(" <td class=\"subtitle\">");
out.println(" Finish Process and Create Collection");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"center\">");
out.println(" <table width=\"95%\">");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td>Once you are satisfied with the number of
photo in your repository, then click on the upload collection button
below to upload your selections and create your photographic
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\"
value=\"Create Photographic Collection\"></td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" </table>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" </table>");
out.println(" </form>");
out.println(" </div>");
out.println("<p><small>This application was created by Joseph Opacki
for SWE432 in Fall 2003 as HW8.</small></p>");
out.println(" </body>");
} // end doGet process
// begin doPost operation
public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
throws ServletException, IOException
// this is where all the magic happens
response.setContentType ("text/html");
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter ();
// get form values
String backgroundColor =
String indexImage = request.getParameter("indexImage").trim();
String collectionDescription =
String collectionName =
String[] photoCaption = request.getParameterValues("photoCaption");
String[] photoURL = request.getParameterValues("photoURL");
String[] photoFiles = new String [photoURL.length];
// check collection name
if ( collectionName.length() == 0 || collectionName == null )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "You must enter a value for the <strong>collection
// check collection description
if ( collectionDescription.length() == 0 || collectionDescription ==
null )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "You must enter a value for the <strong>collection
// check backgound color
if ( backgroundColor.length() == 0 || backgroundColor == null )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "You must enter a value for the <strong>background
// check background color field length
backgroundColor = backgroundColor.toUpperCase();
String validColor = "0123456789ABCDEF";
if ( backgroundColor.length() != 6 )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "Please verify that your <strong>background
color</strong> is at least six character long.<br>";
// check background color for validity
StringBuffer newBG = new StringBuffer(backgroundColor);
// just loop through the length of background color instead of six
// just in case they don't enter a long enough value.
for (int i = 0; i < backgroundColor.length(); i++ )
char currentPos = newBG.charAt(i);
// compare each char to validColor array
if (validColor.indexOf(currentPos) == -1)
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "Please verify that you have used a valid background
// check index image
if ( indexImage.length() == 0 || indexImage == null )
// if blank, set a value so we don't get index out of range error
indexImage = "1234567890";
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "You must enter a value for the <strong>index
// check index image for valid url syntax
String checkIndexString = indexImage.substring(0,7);
if ( !checkIndexString.equals("http://") )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "The value for your <strong>index image</strong> does
not appear to be a syntactically correct URL.<br>";
// check to make sure that there are at least two rows of photographs
if ( photoURL.length <= 1 )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "Your submission must contain at least
<strong>two</strong> photographs with captions to be completed.<br>";
} else // there are at least two rows
// check to make sure photoURL and photoCaption are not blank
for ( int i = 0; i < photoURL.length; i++ )
// trim all array values
photoURL = photoURL.trim();
photoCaption = photoCaption.trim();
// lowercase all URL array values
photoURL = photoURL.toLowerCase();
// set up current row
int currentRow = i + 1;
// first check each value of photoURL
if ( photoURL.length() == 0 || photoURL == null )
// if blank, set a value so we don't get index out of range error
photoURL = "1234567890";
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "No value was detected for your <strong>photo
location</strong> in row number " + currentRow + ".<br>";
// check for valid URL syntax
String checkURL = photoURL;
String checkString = checkURL.substring(0,7);
// set up current row
if ( !checkString.equals("http://") )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "The value for your <strong>photo location</strong> in
row number " + currentRow + " does not appear to be a syntactically
correct URL.<br>";
// then chech each value of photoCaption
if ( photoCaption.length() == 0 || photoCaption == null )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "No value was detected for your <strong>photo
caption</strong> in row number " + currentRow + ".<br>";
// error checking complete, either doGet or continue posting
if (isTrue)
String inString;
// loop through each photoURL and get photoFile
for (int i = 0; i < photoURL.length; i++ )
// inString is now the full URL
inString = photoURL;
// Read the names into photoFiles
int len = inString.length();
// minusPeriod is the position right before the last period
// leaving off the extension of the URL
int minusPeriod = len - 4;
// initialize slash
int slash = 0;
// slash will be rewritten until its final value is the last /
for (int x = 0; x < len; x++)
char currentPos = inString.charAt(x);
if ( currentPos == '/' )
slash = x + 1;
// set photoFiles equal to the value between the last forward-slash
// and the period.extension of the URL
photoFiles = inString.substring(slash, minusPeriod);
// write the response
out.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
out.println("<!--- Joseph Opacki, SWE432, Fall 2003 --->");
out.println(" <title>Joseph Opacki - SWE432: HomeWork 8</title>");
out.println("<p>You can view your photo gallery at: <a
out.println("<p>Your information has been parsed successfully and is
your photo gallery has been created with the following
out.println(" <strong>Collection Name: </strong>" + collectionName
+ "<br>");
out.println(" <strong>Collection Description: </strong> " +
collectionDescription + "<br>");
out.println(" <strong>Background Color: </strong><font color=\"" +
backgroundColor + "\">" + backgroundColor + "</font><br>");
out.println(" <strong>Index Image: </strong> " + indexImage +
for ( int i = 0; i < photoURL.length; i++ )
int currentRow = i + 1;
out.println(" <strong>Photo Location " + currentRow + ": </strong>"
+ photoURL + "<br>");
out.println(" <strong>Photo Caption " + currentRow + ": </strong>"
+ photoCaption + "<br>");
out.println("<p>This application was created by Joseph Opacki for
SWE432, Fall 2003.</p>");
// write the index file
WriteIndex (backgroundColor, indexImage, collectionDescription,
collectionName, photoCaption, photoURL, photoFiles);
// write the photo files, one per picture
int NumFiles = photoURL.length;
WriteOneHTML ("", photoFiles[0], photoFiles[1], photoCaption[0],
photoURL[0], backgroundColor, collectionName);
for (int i = 1; i < NumFiles-1; i++)
WriteOneHTML (photoFiles[i-1], photoFiles, photoFiles[i+1],
photoCaption, photoURL, backgroundColor, collectionName);
WriteOneHTML (photoFiles[NumFiles-2], photoFiles[NumFiles-1], "",
photoCaption[NumFiles-1], photoURL[NumFiles-1], backgroundColor,
} else
// set up error status and send back
errorMsg += "</font></p>";
errTrue = true;
doGet(request, response);
} //end of doPost()
// creates an index page for all photos
public static void WriteIndex (String backgroundColor, String
indexImage, String collectionDescription, String collectionName,
String photoCaption[], String photoURL[], String photoFiles[])
throws IOException
FileWriter newOut = new FileWriter (pathToAccount + "index.html");
newOut.write ("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
newOut.write ("<html>\n");
newOut.write ("<head>\n");
newOut.write (" <title>" + collectionName + "</title>\n");
newOut.write ("</head>\n");
newOut.write ("\n");
newOut.write ("<body bgcolor=\"" + backgroundColor + "\">\n");
newOut.write ("<div align=\"center\">\n");
newOut.write (" <h2>"+ collectionName +"</h2>\n");
newOut.write ("\n");
newOut.write ("<table width=\"95%\">\n");
newOut.write (" <tr>\n");
newOut.write (" <td valign=\"top\" nowrap>\n");
newOut.write (" <ol>\n");
for (int i = 0; i < photoFiles.length; i++)
newOut.write (" <li><a href=\"" + photoFiles +".html\">" +
photoCaption + "</a>\n");
newOut.write (" </ol>\n");
newOut.write (" </td>\n");
newOut.write ("\n");
newOut.write (" <td valign=\"top\">\n");
newOut.write (" <p>" + collectionDescription + "</p><p
align=\"center\"><img src=\"" + indexImage + "\" height=200></p>\n");
newOut.write (" </td>\n");
newOut.write (" </tr>\n");
newOut.write ("</table>\n");
newOut.write ("</div>\n");
newOut.write ("<p><small>This application was created by Joseph
Opacki for SWE432 in Fall 2003 as HW8.</small></p>");
newOut.write ("</body>\n");
newOut.write ("</html>\n");
newOut.write ("\n");
newOut.close ();
} // end WriteIndex
// creates an html page for each photo
public static void WriteOneHTML (String prev, String cur, String
next, String title, String photoLocation, String backgroundColor,
String collectionName)
throws IOException
FileWriter fout = new FileWriter (pathToAccount + cur +".html");
fout.write ("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
fout.write ("<html>\n");
fout.write ("<head>\n");
fout.write (" <title>" + cur + "</title>\n");
fout.write ("</head>\n");
fout.write ("\n");
fout.write ("<body bgcolor=\"" + backgroundColor + "\">\n");
fout.write ("<div align=\"center\">\n");
fout.write ("<p>\n");
fout.write ("<img src=\"" + photoLocation + "\" height=\"450\"
alt=\"" + cur + "\">\n");
fout.write ("\n");
fout.write ("<p>\n");
fout.write (title);
fout.write ("<br><i>" + collectionName + "</i><p>\n");
if (prev.length() != 0)
fout.write ("<A HREF=\"" + prev + ".html\">Previous</A> || \n");
} else
fout.write ("Previous || \n");
fout.write ("<a href=\"index.html\">Index</a>\n");
if (next.length() != 0)
fout.write (" || <A HREF=\"" + next + ".html\">Next</A>\n");
} else
fout.write (" || Next\n");
fout.write ("</p></div>\n");
fout.write ("<p><small>This application was created by Joseph Opacki
for SWE432 in Fall 2003 as HW8.</small></p>");
fout.write ("</body>\n");
fout.write ("</html>\n");
fout.write ("\n");
fout.close ();
} // end writeOneHTML
} // end jopackiH8
tomcat in IE, but not in Netscape
// import java libraries
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
// import servlet libraries
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
// servlet implementation of Photo Personal Web Application Service
public class jopackiH8 extends HttpServlet {
// globals settings
private static String pathToAccount =
private boolean isTrue = true;
private boolean errTrue = false;
private String errorMsg = "";
// begin doGet process to return initial web form
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
throws ServletException, IOException
response.setContentType ("text/html");
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<!--- Joseph Opacki, SWE432, Fall 2003 --->");
out.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
out.println(" <head>");
out.println(" <title>Photo Personal Web Application
out.println(" <style type=\"text/css\">");
out.println(" body, p, td ");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" font-size: 12px;");
out.println(" font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" .title ");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" font-size: 18px;");
out.println(" color: white;");
out.println(" font-weight: bold;");
out.println(" padding-bottom: 10px;");
out.println(" padding-top: 10px;");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" .subtitle");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" font-size: 14px;");
out.println(" color: black;");
out.println(" font-weight: bold;");
out.println(" padding-bottom: 2px;");
out.println(" padding-top: 2px;");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" </style>");
out.println(" <script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">");
out.println(" // my testing in Mozilla has been kind of buggy. Only
worked half of the time");
out.println(" // I've achieved my best results in IE");
out.println(" /* ************************************************
out.println(" / Browser dection to be used throughout javascript /");
out.println(" / *************************************************
out.println(" isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf(\"Mac\")!= -1) ?
true : false");
out.println(" NS4 = (document.layers) ? true : false");
out.println(" IEmac = ((document.all)&&(isMac)) ? true : false");
out.println(" IE4plus = (document.all) ? true : false");
out.println(" IE4 =
((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf(\"MSIE 4.\") != -1)) ?
true : false");
out.println(" IE5 =
((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf(\"MSIE 5.\") != -1)) ?
true : false");
out.println(" ver4 = (NS4 || IE4plus) ? true : false");
out.println(" NS6 = (!document.layers) &&
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Netscape') != -1)?true:false");
out.println(" /* *********************************************************
out.println(" / Body onload utility (supports multiple onload
functions) /");
out.println(" / *********************************************************
out.println(" var gSafeOnload = new Array()");
out.println(" function SafeAddOnload(f)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" if (IEmac && IE4) // IE 4.5 blows out on testing
out.println(" {");
out.println(" window.onload = SafeOnload");
out.println(" gSafeOnload[gSafeOnload.length] = f");
out.println(" } else if (window.onload)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" if (window.onload != SafeOnload)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" gSafeOnload[0] = window.onload");
out.println(" window.onload = SafeOnload");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" gSafeOnload[gSafeOnload.length] = f");
out.println(" } else");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" window.onload = f");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function SafeOnload()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" for (var i = 0; i < gSafeOnload.length; i++)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" gSafeOnload()");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" /* ***************************** /");
out.println(" / Main Dynamic Form Functions /");
out.println(" / ***************************** */");
out.println(" // these arrays holds our form values when we need to
regenerate the forms");
out.println(" var photoURLFieldValues = new Array(1)");
out.println(" var photoCaptionFieldValues = new Array(1)");
out.println(" for (var i = 0; i < photoURLFieldValues.length; i++)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" // the length of these two fields should always be the
out.println(" photoURLFieldValues = \"\"");
out.println(" photoCaptionFieldValues = \"\"");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function GetFormHTML()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" var htmlStr = ''");
out.println(" htmlStr += '<table width=\"100%\">'");
out.println(" for (var i = 0; i < photoURLFieldValues.length; i++)
// the length of both should always be the same");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" htmlStr += '<tr><td width=\"15\"><b>' + (i+1) +
'</b></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><input type=\"text\"
name=\"photoURL\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"250\" title=\"Use this form
to input the location of your photo.\" value=\"' +
photoURLFieldValues + '\"></td><td> </td><td
align=\"left\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"photoCaption\" size=\"50\"
title=\"Use this form to enter the catption information for your
photo.\" value=\"' + photoCaptionFieldValues + '\"></td></tr>'");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" htmlStr += '</table>'");
out.println(" return htmlStr");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function GetFormObj()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" var returnObj = null");
out.println(" if (NS4)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" returnObj = document.formlayer.document.pwasEntry");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" else if (NS6)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" returnObj =
out.println(" } else");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" returnObj = document.pwasEntry");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" return returnObj");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function AddField()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" // Save previously entered data here");
out.println(" var formObj = GetFormObj()");
out.println(" for (var i = 0;i < photoURLFieldValues.length; i++)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" if (photoURLFieldValues.length > 1)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" photoCaptionFieldValues=
out.println(" photoURLFieldValues= formObj.photoURL.value");
out.println(" } else ");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" photoCaptionFieldValues =
out.println(" photoURLFieldValues= formObj.photoURL.value");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" // activate default index image if first time adding
out.println(" // only set it to default if there is no image already
out.println(" if (document.forms[0].indexImage.value == \"\")");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" document.forms[0].indexImage.value =
out.println(" }");
out.println(" // Create the new field");
out.println(" photoURLFieldValues[photoURLFieldValues.length]=\"\"");
out.println(" photoCaptionFieldValues[photoCaptionFieldValues.length]=\"\"");
out.println(" UpdateForm()");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function UpdateForm()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" var htmlStr = GetFormHTML()");
out.println(" if (IE4plus)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" document.all.formlayer.innerHTML = htmlStr");
out.println(" } else if (NS4)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" document.formlayer.document.open()");
out.println(" document.formlayer.document.write(htmlStr)");
out.println(" document.formlayer.document.close()");
out.println(" } else // should cover NS5 and NS6 and Mozilla ");
out.println(" { ");
out.println(" document.getElementById(\"formlayer\").innerHTML =
out.println(" } ");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function IncludeForm()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" var htmlStr = GetFormHTML()");
out.println(" if (IE4plus || NS6)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" document.write('<DIV ID=formlayer name=formlayer
STYLE=\"position:relative; WIDTH=400px; HEIGHT=50px\">' + htmlStr +
out.println(" }");
out.println(" else if (NS4)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" // Because NS needs floating layers, we need a
placeholder graphic to force anything");
out.println(" // below the layer content to leave whitespace for
the layer. The position of this");
out.println(" // graphic is also used in determining the position
of the layer.");
out.println(" document.write('<img name=\"formlocation\"
border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" src=\"clear.gif\">')");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" //");
out.println(" // Netscape 4.x ");
out.println(" //");
out.println(" function HandleOnload()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" if (NS4)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" var width = document.formlocation.width");
out.println(" var height = document.formlocation.height");
out.println(" nL=new Layer(width)");
out.println(" nL.name = \"formlayer\"");
out.println(" nL.left=document.formlocation.x");
out.println(" nL.top=document.formlocation.y");
out.println(" nL.bgColor = \"white\"");
out.println(" nL.clip.width=width");
out.println(" nL.clip.height=height");
out.println(" nL.document.open()");
out.println(" nL.document.write(GetFormHTML())");
out.println(" nL.document.close()");
out.println(" nL.visibility = 'show'");
out.println(" document.formlayer = nL");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" function HandleResize()");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" location.reload()");
out.println(" return false");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" if (NS4)");
out.println(" {");
out.println(" SafeAddOnload(HandleOnload)");
out.println(" window.captureEvents(Event.RESIZE)");
out.println(" window.onresize = HandleResize");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" </script>");
out.println(" </head>");
out.println(" <body>");
out.println(" <div align=\"center\">");
out.println(" <form action=\"jopackiH8\" method=\"post\"
name=\"pwasEntry\" id=\"pwasEntry\">");
out.println(" <table width=\"95%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"
cellpadding=\"10\" bgcolor=\"#f5f5f5\">");
out.println(" <tr bgcolor=\"#4682b4\">");
out.println(" <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"
out.println(" Photo Personal Web Application Service");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td>");
out.println(" <strong>Application description and
out.println(" This application was created by <a
href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">Joseph Opacki</a> for SWE432 in the
Fall 2004 semester at George Mason University. The code to create
this servlet can be ");
out.println(" accessed at <a
Please step through each of the sections below and follow the
instructions in each section ");
out.println(" to create a photographic gallery using Java
// print out the errors if returned to this page with errors
if ( errTrue )
out.println("<p><font color=\"RED\"><strong>The following problems
have been detected:</strong><br>");
out.println( errorMsg );
// reset values for next submit
errorMsg = "";
errTrue = false;
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\">");
out.println(" <td class=\"subtitle\">");
out.println(" Photographic Collection");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td>");
out.println(" <strong>Section Description and
out.println(" Fill in the blanks in the following field being
careful not to leave any of them blank.");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">");
out.println(" <table width=\"540\">");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"right\" nowrap
width=\"100\">Collection Name:</td>");
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\">");
out.println(" <input type=\"text\" name=\"collectionName\"
size=\"50\" maxlength=\"250\" title=\"Use this input field to input a
title for your collection of photographs.\">");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"right\"
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\">");
out.println(" <textarea cols=\"50\" rows=\"3\"
name=\"collectionDescription\" title=\"Use this form to describe the
overall collection of photographs that your are
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"
nowrap>Background Color:</td>");
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\">");
out.println(" <input type=\"text\" name=\"backgroundColor\"
size=\"50\" maxlength=\"6\" title=\"Use this form to input what color
you wish to have represented for the background throughout your
collection of photographs.\"><br>");
out.println(" <span style=\"color: SteelBlue;\">There is no
need to include the <strong>#</strong> sign in your entry.</span>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"right\" nowrap width=\"100\"
valign=\"top\">Index Image:</td>");
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\">");
out.println(" <input type=\"text\" name=\"indexImage\"
size=\"50\" maxlength=\"250\" title=\"Use this form to place an index
image on the entrance page of your photographic collection.\"><br>");
outprintln(" <span style=\"color: SteelBlue;\">The index
image will default to your first photo if you do not choose
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" </table>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\">");
out.println(" <td class=\"subtitle\">");
out.println(" Individual Photos");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td>");
out.println(" <strong>Section Description and
out.println(" <font color=\"red\">Please note that you must
enter at least two photographs for this application to work
out.println(" </font> Start by entering the URL location of
each of your photographs followed by a small caption. When ready,
click the button to add a new row.");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">");
out.println(" <table width=\"540\">");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\" nowrap
width=\"49%\"><strong>Photo Location</strong></td>");
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\"><strong>Photo
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td colspan=\"3\">");
out.println(" <script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">");
out.println(" IncludeForm();");
out.println(" </script>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td colspan=\"3\">");
out.println(" <table width=\"95%\">");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><input
type=\"button\" value=\"Add Another\" onClick=\"AddField()\"></td>");
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td align=\"left\">");
out.println(" Click the \"Add\" button to add new photos
to your repository. The list in your current repository will list
below with each photograph's information.");
out.println(" <span style=\"color: SteelBlue;\">You may
continue to add photos until you are ready to finalize your
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" </table>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" </table>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\">");
out.println(" <td class=\"subtitle\">");
out.println(" Finish Process and Create Collection");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td align=\"center\">");
out.println(" <table width=\"95%\">");
out.println(" <tr>");
out.println(" <td>Once you are satisfied with the number of
photo in your repository, then click on the upload collection button
below to upload your selections and create your photographic
out.println(" <td> </td>");
out.println(" <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\"
value=\"Create Photographic Collection\"></td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" </table>");
out.println(" </td>");
out.println(" </tr>");
out.println(" </table>");
out.println(" </form>");
out.println(" </div>");
out.println("<p><small>This application was created by Joseph Opacki
for SWE432 in Fall 2003 as HW8.</small></p>");
out.println(" </body>");
} // end doGet process
// begin doPost operation
public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
throws ServletException, IOException
// this is where all the magic happens
response.setContentType ("text/html");
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter ();
// get form values
String backgroundColor =
String indexImage = request.getParameter("indexImage").trim();
String collectionDescription =
String collectionName =
String[] photoCaption = request.getParameterValues("photoCaption");
String[] photoURL = request.getParameterValues("photoURL");
String[] photoFiles = new String [photoURL.length];
// check collection name
if ( collectionName.length() == 0 || collectionName == null )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "You must enter a value for the <strong>collection
// check collection description
if ( collectionDescription.length() == 0 || collectionDescription ==
null )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "You must enter a value for the <strong>collection
// check backgound color
if ( backgroundColor.length() == 0 || backgroundColor == null )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "You must enter a value for the <strong>background
// check background color field length
backgroundColor = backgroundColor.toUpperCase();
String validColor = "0123456789ABCDEF";
if ( backgroundColor.length() != 6 )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "Please verify that your <strong>background
color</strong> is at least six character long.<br>";
// check background color for validity
StringBuffer newBG = new StringBuffer(backgroundColor);
// just loop through the length of background color instead of six
// just in case they don't enter a long enough value.
for (int i = 0; i < backgroundColor.length(); i++ )
char currentPos = newBG.charAt(i);
// compare each char to validColor array
if (validColor.indexOf(currentPos) == -1)
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "Please verify that you have used a valid background
// check index image
if ( indexImage.length() == 0 || indexImage == null )
// if blank, set a value so we don't get index out of range error
indexImage = "1234567890";
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "You must enter a value for the <strong>index
// check index image for valid url syntax
String checkIndexString = indexImage.substring(0,7);
if ( !checkIndexString.equals("http://") )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "The value for your <strong>index image</strong> does
not appear to be a syntactically correct URL.<br>";
// check to make sure that there are at least two rows of photographs
if ( photoURL.length <= 1 )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "Your submission must contain at least
<strong>two</strong> photographs with captions to be completed.<br>";
} else // there are at least two rows
// check to make sure photoURL and photoCaption are not blank
for ( int i = 0; i < photoURL.length; i++ )
// trim all array values
photoURL = photoURL.trim();
photoCaption = photoCaption.trim();
// lowercase all URL array values
photoURL = photoURL.toLowerCase();
// set up current row
int currentRow = i + 1;
// first check each value of photoURL
if ( photoURL.length() == 0 || photoURL == null )
// if blank, set a value so we don't get index out of range error
photoURL = "1234567890";
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "No value was detected for your <strong>photo
location</strong> in row number " + currentRow + ".<br>";
// check for valid URL syntax
String checkURL = photoURL;
String checkString = checkURL.substring(0,7);
// set up current row
if ( !checkString.equals("http://") )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "The value for your <strong>photo location</strong> in
row number " + currentRow + " does not appear to be a syntactically
correct URL.<br>";
// then chech each value of photoCaption
if ( photoCaption.length() == 0 || photoCaption == null )
isTrue = false;
errorMsg += "No value was detected for your <strong>photo
caption</strong> in row number " + currentRow + ".<br>";
// error checking complete, either doGet or continue posting
if (isTrue)
String inString;
// loop through each photoURL and get photoFile
for (int i = 0; i < photoURL.length; i++ )
// inString is now the full URL
inString = photoURL;
// Read the names into photoFiles
int len = inString.length();
// minusPeriod is the position right before the last period
// leaving off the extension of the URL
int minusPeriod = len - 4;
// initialize slash
int slash = 0;
// slash will be rewritten until its final value is the last /
for (int x = 0; x < len; x++)
char currentPos = inString.charAt(x);
if ( currentPos == '/' )
slash = x + 1;
// set photoFiles equal to the value between the last forward-slash
// and the period.extension of the URL
photoFiles = inString.substring(slash, minusPeriod);
// write the response
out.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
out.println("<!--- Joseph Opacki, SWE432, Fall 2003 --->");
out.println(" <title>Joseph Opacki - SWE432: HomeWork 8</title>");
out.println("<p>You can view your photo gallery at: <a
out.println("<p>Your information has been parsed successfully and is
your photo gallery has been created with the following
out.println(" <strong>Collection Name: </strong>" + collectionName
+ "<br>");
out.println(" <strong>Collection Description: </strong> " +
collectionDescription + "<br>");
out.println(" <strong>Background Color: </strong><font color=\"" +
backgroundColor + "\">" + backgroundColor + "</font><br>");
out.println(" <strong>Index Image: </strong> " + indexImage +
for ( int i = 0; i < photoURL.length; i++ )
int currentRow = i + 1;
out.println(" <strong>Photo Location " + currentRow + ": </strong>"
+ photoURL + "<br>");
out.println(" <strong>Photo Caption " + currentRow + ": </strong>"
+ photoCaption + "<br>");
out.println("<p>This application was created by Joseph Opacki for
SWE432, Fall 2003.</p>");
// write the index file
WriteIndex (backgroundColor, indexImage, collectionDescription,
collectionName, photoCaption, photoURL, photoFiles);
// write the photo files, one per picture
int NumFiles = photoURL.length;
WriteOneHTML ("", photoFiles[0], photoFiles[1], photoCaption[0],
photoURL[0], backgroundColor, collectionName);
for (int i = 1; i < NumFiles-1; i++)
WriteOneHTML (photoFiles[i-1], photoFiles, photoFiles[i+1],
photoCaption, photoURL, backgroundColor, collectionName);
WriteOneHTML (photoFiles[NumFiles-2], photoFiles[NumFiles-1], "",
photoCaption[NumFiles-1], photoURL[NumFiles-1], backgroundColor,
} else
// set up error status and send back
errorMsg += "</font></p>";
errTrue = true;
doGet(request, response);
} //end of doPost()
// creates an index page for all photos
public static void WriteIndex (String backgroundColor, String
indexImage, String collectionDescription, String collectionName,
String photoCaption[], String photoURL[], String photoFiles[])
throws IOException
FileWriter newOut = new FileWriter (pathToAccount + "index.html");
newOut.write ("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
newOut.write ("<html>\n");
newOut.write ("<head>\n");
newOut.write (" <title>" + collectionName + "</title>\n");
newOut.write ("</head>\n");
newOut.write ("\n");
newOut.write ("<body bgcolor=\"" + backgroundColor + "\">\n");
newOut.write ("<div align=\"center\">\n");
newOut.write (" <h2>"+ collectionName +"</h2>\n");
newOut.write ("\n");
newOut.write ("<table width=\"95%\">\n");
newOut.write (" <tr>\n");
newOut.write (" <td valign=\"top\" nowrap>\n");
newOut.write (" <ol>\n");
for (int i = 0; i < photoFiles.length; i++)
newOut.write (" <li><a href=\"" + photoFiles +".html\">" +
photoCaption + "</a>\n");
newOut.write (" </ol>\n");
newOut.write (" </td>\n");
newOut.write ("\n");
newOut.write (" <td valign=\"top\">\n");
newOut.write (" <p>" + collectionDescription + "</p><p
align=\"center\"><img src=\"" + indexImage + "\" height=200></p>\n");
newOut.write (" </td>\n");
newOut.write (" </tr>\n");
newOut.write ("</table>\n");
newOut.write ("</div>\n");
newOut.write ("<p><small>This application was created by Joseph
Opacki for SWE432 in Fall 2003 as HW8.</small></p>");
newOut.write ("</body>\n");
newOut.write ("</html>\n");
newOut.write ("\n");
newOut.close ();
} // end WriteIndex
// creates an html page for each photo
public static void WriteOneHTML (String prev, String cur, String
next, String title, String photoLocation, String backgroundColor,
String collectionName)
throws IOException
FileWriter fout = new FileWriter (pathToAccount + cur +".html");
fout.write ("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
fout.write ("<html>\n");
fout.write ("<head>\n");
fout.write (" <title>" + cur + "</title>\n");
fout.write ("</head>\n");
fout.write ("\n");
fout.write ("<body bgcolor=\"" + backgroundColor + "\">\n");
fout.write ("<div align=\"center\">\n");
fout.write ("<p>\n");
fout.write ("<img src=\"" + photoLocation + "\" height=\"450\"
alt=\"" + cur + "\">\n");
fout.write ("\n");
fout.write ("<p>\n");
fout.write (title);
fout.write ("<br><i>" + collectionName + "</i><p>\n");
if (prev.length() != 0)
fout.write ("<A HREF=\"" + prev + ".html\">Previous</A> || \n");
} else
fout.write ("Previous || \n");
fout.write ("<a href=\"index.html\">Index</a>\n");
if (next.length() != 0)
fout.write (" || <A HREF=\"" + next + ".html\">Next</A>\n");
} else
fout.write (" || Next\n");
fout.write ("</p></div>\n");
fout.write ("<p><small>This application was created by Joseph Opacki
for SWE432 in Fall 2003 as HW8.</small></p>");
fout.write ("</body>\n");
fout.write ("</html>\n");
fout.write ("\n");
fout.close ();
} // end writeOneHTML
} // end jopackiH8