import random
def loadWords():
Returns a list of valid words. Words are strings of lowercase letters.
Depending on the size of the word list, this function may
take a while to finish.
print("Loading word list from file...")
# inFile: file
inFile = open(WORDLIST_FILENAME, 'r')
# line: string
line = inFile.readline()
# wordlist: list of strings
wordlist = line.split()
print(" ", len(wordlist), "words loaded.")
return wordlist
def chooseWord(wordlist):
wordlist (list): list of words (strings)
Returns a word from wordlist at random
return random.choice(wordlist)
# end of helper code
# -----------------------------------
# Load the list of words into the variable wordlist
# so that it can be accessed from anywhere in the program
wordlist = loadWords()
def isWordGuessed(secretWord, lettersGuessed):
secretWord: string, the word the user is guessing
lettersGuessed: list, what letters have been guessed so far
returns: boolean, True if all the letters of secretWord are in lettersGuessed;
False otherwise
def getGuessedWord(secretWord, lettersGuessed):
secretWord: string, the word the user is guessing
lettersGuessed: list, what letters have been guessed so far
returns: string, comprised of letters and underscores that represents
what letters in secretWord have been guessed so far.
def getAvailableLetters(lettersGuessed):
lettersGuessed: list, what letters have been guessed so far
returns: string, comprised of letters that represents what letters have not
yet been guessed.
def hangman(secretWord):
secretWord: string, the secret word to guess.
Starts up an interactive game of Hangman.
* At the start of the game, let the user know how many
letters the secretWord contains.
* Ask the user to supply one guess (i.e. letter) per round.
* The user should receive feedback immediately after each guess
about whether their guess appears in the computers word.
* After each round, you should also display to the user the
partially guessed word so far, as well as letters that the
user has not yet guessed.
def loadWords():
Returns a list of valid words. Words are strings of lowercase letters.
Depending on the size of the word list, this function may
take a while to finish.
print("Loading word list from file...")
# inFile: file
inFile = open(WORDLIST_FILENAME, 'r')
# line: string
line = inFile.readline()
# wordlist: list of strings
wordlist = line.split()
print(" ", len(wordlist), "words loaded.")
return wordlist
def chooseWord(wordlist):
wordlist (list): list of words (strings)
Returns a word from wordlist at random
return random.choice(wordlist)
# end of helper code
# -----------------------------------
# Load the list of words into the variable wordlist
# so that it can be accessed from anywhere in the program
wordlist = loadWords()
def isWordGuessed(secretWord, lettersGuessed):
secretWord: string, the word the user is guessing
lettersGuessed: list, what letters have been guessed so far
returns: boolean, True if all the letters of secretWord are in lettersGuessed;
False otherwise
def getGuessedWord(secretWord, lettersGuessed):
secretWord: string, the word the user is guessing
lettersGuessed: list, what letters have been guessed so far
returns: string, comprised of letters and underscores that represents
what letters in secretWord have been guessed so far.
def getAvailableLetters(lettersGuessed):
lettersGuessed: list, what letters have been guessed so far
returns: string, comprised of letters that represents what letters have not
yet been guessed.
def hangman(secretWord):
secretWord: string, the secret word to guess.
Starts up an interactive game of Hangman.
* At the start of the game, let the user know how many
letters the secretWord contains.
* Ask the user to supply one guess (i.e. letter) per round.
* The user should receive feedback immediately after each guess
about whether their guess appears in the computers word.
* After each round, you should also display to the user the
partially guessed word so far, as well as letters that the
user has not yet guessed.