I´m too dumb to program

  • Thread starter Lester T. Linpord
  • Start date

Wesley J Landaker

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Because I=C2=B4m a moron.

But Ruby makes programming easy, even for morons. =3D)

Wesley J. Landaker <[email protected]>
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Robert Klemme

Rove Monteux said:
sounds like it

Rove Monteux
Systems Administrator

(e-mail address removed)

Insight is the first step to improvement - as a German figure of speech
says. :)


Rob Bryant

Rove Monteux said:
sounds like it

Well, I think this has the potential to be an interesting thread
(at least to me). Here's why:

If the skills of the world's programmers were graphed into the
typical bell curve, I would definitely be found to the left of
the middle. Not for lack of effort, rather for lack of gray-cell
power! So maybe I am too dumb to program, but I'd like to try.

With that said, would people recommend Ruby to someone like me?
I read about the "principle of least surprise" (or something to
that effect), and I was intrigued. I have tried Perl, and I am
dismayed at the "explosion at an ASCII factory" effect. I have
tried PHP, and I love it but I'd like something more OOP and more
general purpose both.

I'd be interested in your opinions.


Gavin Sinclair

I'd like something more OOP and more general purpose both.

Ruby satisfies these criteria in spades. No reason you won't like it.

Although (it seems) most Ruby programmers are already decent
programmers before they use Ruby, the amount of built-in functionality
(e.g. methods in Array, String, Enumerable, Hash, File, ...) means
that novice programmers can get stuff done right away.


Robert Klemme

Rob Bryant said:
Rove Monteux <[email protected]> wrote in message

Well, I think this has the potential to be an interesting thread
(at least to me). Here's why:

If the skills of the world's programmers were graphed into the
typical bell curve, I would definitely be found to the left of
the middle. Not for lack of effort, rather for lack of gray-cell
power! So maybe I am too dumb to program, but I'd like to try.

With that said, would people recommend Ruby to someone like me?
I read about the "principle of least surprise" (or something to
that effect), and I was intrigued. I have tried Perl, and I am
dismayed at the "explosion at an ASCII factory" effect. I have
tried PHP, and I love it but I'd like something more OOP and more
general purpose both.

I'd be interested in your opinions.

Go for Ruby! I has clean OO, much cleaner syntax than perl etc.

Welcome to the world of Ruby!



Well, I think this has the potential to be an interesting thread
(at least to me). Here's why:

If the skills of the world's programmers were graphed into the
typical bell curve, I would definitely be found to the left of
the middle. Not for lack of effort, rather for lack of gray-cell
power! So maybe I am too dumb to program, but I'd like to try.

With that said, would people recommend Ruby to someone like me?

Experienced programmers and beginners have one thing in common. Neither
wants unnecessary obstacles when it comes to writing a program.

Ruby has this dual nature of being very easy and very complex. Effortless

If Ruby were only very simple, it would quickly become difficult to write
complex programs. This is not the case. Ruby grows with your skills and
rarely gets in your way.

Otherwise you grab a tutorial and get started:

Of course, if you are really dumb and have previous experience with Java
etc. and still want to shell out 800 euro for an introductionary two day
course: http://www.wellho.net/course/rpfull.html


Richard James

With that said, would people recommend Ruby to someone like me?
If you're using MS Windows then try out the FREE Gui4Cli script


Gui4Cli is designed to bring the ease and power of a scripting
language to MS Windows API programming.

With the included Gui4Cli version of the SciTE editor, you'll be able
to write simple programs with REAL Windows displays. In fact you can
put the SciTE editor into your own GUIs.

Gui4Cli is what MSDOS batch programming should have become on Windows.
You can even make all your old command line programs look like Windows

You can use Gui4Cli as it's own complete programming language. Or you
can just use it to let your user select your program options from a
professional looking Windows GUI using Menus, Textboxes, Buttons,
Checkboxes, Radiobuttons etc. And then running a Ruby program from the
GUI at the touch of a button is as easy as creating a MyGui.gui script
G4C MyGui
WINDOW #center #center 300 100 "My First Gui"

guiquit MyGui

guiopen MyGui

xCheckBox 10 10 280 25 "Run with option X?" optX On Off ON

xCheckBox 10 35 280 25 "Run with option Y?" opty On Off OFF

xButton 75 60 150 25 "Run My Ruby Program"
run ":myprog.rbw" "$optX $optY"

And when you have that killer application perfected, you can use
Gui4Cli to create a installation package to distribute your program as
a single .exe file!

If you need to talk between your different G4C GUI's, it is built in:
address MyOtherGui
send data "hello I need report z"

There also is an optional g4c.pyd dll to talk with Python scripts.

And you can even extend the G4C language with dll's written in C. And
you call your new functions just by adding lines like:
mydllname.myfirstfunction arg1 arg2
mydllname.mysecondfunction arg1 arg2 arg3

There are many tutorial GUI programs to examine. The documention is
extensive and if you can't figure something out just go to the Gui4Cli
users group on Yahoo and ask.


Note: If someone knows Ruby Win32Api programming, Gui4Cli it is just
waiting to be interfaced to Ruby! And the Python dll window interface
source is available to copy from!


Richard James responded:

If you're using MS Windows then try out the FREE Gui4Cli script


Gui4Cli is what MSDOS batch programming should have become on Windows.
You can even make all your old command line programs look like Windows


There are many tutorial GUI programs to examine. The documention is
extensive and if you can't figure something out just go to the Gui4Cli
users group on Yahoo and ask.


Note: If someone knows Ruby Win32Api programming, Gui4Cli it is just
waiting to be interfaced to Ruby! And the Python dll window interface
source is available to copy from!


Distributed as a dll (g4c.so) - source and examples included.

Available from the Gui4Cli site:

g4c.so binary works with mswin32, bccwin32 (& possibly other builds)
for (at least) Ruby 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 ! (No compiling necessary)


Richard James

daz said:
Richard James responded:

If you're using MS Windows then try out the FREE Gui4Cli script


Gui4Cli is what MSDOS batch programming should have become on Windows.
You can even make all your old command line programs look like Windows


There are many tutorial GUI programs to examine. The documention is
extensive and if you can't figure something out just go to the Gui4Cli
users group on Yahoo and ask.


Note: If someone knows Ruby Win32Api programming, Gui4Cli it is just
waiting to be interfaced to Ruby! And the Python dll window interface
source is available to copy from!


Distributed as a dll (g4c.so) - source and examples included.

Available from the Gui4Cli site:

g4c.so binary works with mswin32, bccwin32 (& possibly other builds)
for (at least) Ruby 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 ! (No compiling necessary)


Thanks daz!

There is a new version 17 of Gui4Cli released today.



-- R.J.

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