i need a list of advantages


Eliot Miranda

does anyone have a list of advantages this language provides ?

What's your audience? If you're touting Ruby advantages to other
programmers then the urls posted on this thread are adequate. But if
you're talking to management, e.g. trying to evangelise to management or
defend against a management push away from Ruby you'll need to give a
business case. The essence of the business case is time-to-market and
return-on-investment. Duck typing and interpretation can lead to faster
coding, and hence faster TTM, lower costs and higher ROI. i.e.
emphasise the business advantages, backing them up by relating them to
specific technical features of the language, softening geek-speek for
less technical folks.

I suggest you start googling. There are old verbose articles such as
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0SMG/is_n5_v16/ai_18237463. Paul
Graham's site www.paulgraham.com has gems on it. Sorry I don't have
something immediately to hand.

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