I write Ruby Tk application on Window XP


Vo Ngan

I write Ruby Tk application on Window XP, use ActiveTc18.4.14.0, namely
Tk::TkTable và Tk::Iwidgets::Dialog. After that packaged by
Rubyscript2exe, when run the application there is an error report :
“Package can’t find PackageTable †or “can’t find PackageIwidgets... â€.
I think that is because it can find only Widgets on Tk but can’t find
Widgets on Tkextlib. Who can correct this error please help me? Please
mail to me: (e-mail address removed). Thanks for your help.

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner

Vo said:
I write Ruby Tk application on Window XP, use ActiveTc18.4.14.0, namely
Tk::TkTable và Tk::Iwidgets::Dialog. After that packaged by
Rubyscript2exe, when run the application there is an error report :
“Package can’t find PackageTable †or “can’t find PackageIwidgets... â€.
I think that is because it can find only Widgets on Tk but can’t find
Widgets on Tkextlib. Who can correct this error please help me? Please
mail to me: (e-mail address removed). Thanks for your help.

Take a look at

There is an option "--rubyscript2exe-tk", I used it (Windoes2000)
because I had the same problems with Tk before.

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner

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